

Leading the sharing of international experience and good practice, advocating for risk-based decommissioning policy and guidance


Geo-information (which includes location, coordinate and geo-code) accounts for about 80% of exploration and production data. Much of this information is stored in a variety of applications, databases and formats, including the widely used Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

Common geography provides an extremely powerful means to integrate E&P information in support of business decision-making for exploration, new business, construction, field development and decommissioning – in fact every aspect of the upstream life-cycle. We develop industry guidelines, good practices and specifications regarding the use of this data.

Common Operating Picture in Oil Spill Response

Responding to an oil spill requires access to and understanding of many types of information. Effective, coordinated operations for the response are based on a shared, common picture of the situation. Interoperability provides shared situational awareness of the crisis and the response activities. What is needed is a common picture of reality for different organizations that have different views of the spill so that they all can deal with it collectively. The video below (courtesy of Shell) explains the concept of the Common Operating Picture (COP).

OSRJIPCOP_Shell_COP_Animation from IOGP on Vimeo.

To support implementation of an effective COP and the requisite data management by the response community, the IOGP and IPIECA published Recommended practice for Common Operating Picture architecture for oil spill response. The report has also been approved as an OGC Best Practice.

Shell Standard legend

Maps are one the industry’s most important communication tools and cartographic symbols standards are essential for their intuitive and consistent interpretation and understanding. Many symbols are universally understood, such as blue for river and green for vegetation, others must be explained.

Shell has developed a comprehensive cartographic symbol set to support hydrocarbon exploration and petroleum engineering, the so-called ‘Shell Standard Legend’ (SSL). Its origin can be traced back some 95 years and since 2014 it is publicly available for sharing with industry and academia.

The SSL is published in two version, one supporting the convention “oil=red”, and one “oil=green”, recognizing that these two mapping conventions are in use around the world by different operators and governments. Each publication consistently uses one of these color conventions throughout the document and categorizes the symbols according to:

  • Hydrocarbons (such as fields, prospects and shows)
  • Topography (control points, markers, offshore structures, contours, road symbols)
  • Geology (morphology, lithology, faults, chronostratigraphy)
  • Geochemistry (source rock, maturity)
  • Geophysics (seismic stratigraphy)
  • Wells (well symbols by hydrocarbon type and status)
  • IOGP Data Models symbology (incl. Seabed Survey Data Model)

IOGP has welcomed Shell’s offer to release these documents to industry and is pleased to make them available for download:

In addition to the standard documents Shell also makes available files to support the Shell Standard Legend. These are available from the Esri Style gallery:

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, neither the IOGP nor any of its members past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made thereof, which liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the recipient’s own risk on the basis that any use by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. The recipient is obliged to inform any subsequent recipient of such terms.

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IOGP publishes industry guidelines for Seawater pressure to depth conversions

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Geomatics: further guidance on using OGP’s Seabed Survey Data Model

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OGP’s Geomatics Committee has recently produced a revised version of its Guidelines for the conduct of offshore drilling hazard site surveys (Report No 373-18-1). Published in May 2013, the updated

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RSS Recent Geomatics publications

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  • Updated position data exchange formats now available
    This promotional flyer supplements IOGP Report 483-1 - IOGP P1/11 geophysical position data exchange format – technical specification and IOGP Report 483-2 - IOGP P2/11 positioning data exchange format – technical specification. The post Updated position data exchange formats now available appeared first on IOGP Publications library.
  • Offshore Infrastructure Survey Data Model
    The post Offshore Infrastructure Survey Data Model appeared first on IOGP Publications library.
  • IOGP P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format – technical specification
    The P6/11 format for the exchange of seismic bin grids is recommended by IOGP for general use in the upstream oil and gas industry. The P6/11 format has been developed alongside the revisions to P1/11 and P2/11 (IOGP Reports 483-1 and 483-2, respectively) to allow the format to take advantage of the new features available […]
  • IOGP P2/11 positioning data exchange format – technical specification
    The P-Formats for the exchange of positioning data are recommended by the IOGP for general use in the upstream oil and gas industry. They supersede earlier UKOOA P1, P2 and P6 formats. Parallel discussions with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) covered deprecation of their SEG-P1 format and recognition of the revised IOGP P1/11 format […]
  • IOGP P1/11 geophysical position data exchange format – technical specification
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  • Guideline for calibration and verification of offshore surface survey and positioning systems
    This Report is meant to be read alongside IOGP Report 624-02-01 – Technical specification for calibration and verification of offshore surface survey and positioning systems, which provides a global common industry technical specification, accepted by both Company (‘Operators’ or ‘Purchasers’) and Contractor (‘Suppliers’), for surface positioning sensor and system calibration and verification. This document, IOGP […]
  • Technical specification for calibration and verification of offshore surface survey and positioning systems
    This document provides a global common industry technical specification for surface positioning sensor and system calibration and verification, during mobilization and on an ongoing basis. It covers the Online Survey and Positioning System, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS). It is intended to be included […]
  • Coordinate Reference Systems and transformations for offshore Angola
    The Angolan government has mandated the adoption of a new geodetic datum for all topographic cartography in the country. This document provides a brief overview of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) historically used in Angola, the CRS currently used by oil and gas operating companies, details of CRS transformation systems, and a list of recommendations for […]

IOGP releases version 2.0 of the P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format

IOGP has released version 2.0 of its P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format technical specification (IOGP Report 483-6).  

IOGP releases version 2.0 of geophysical position data exchange formats

IOGP has published version 2.0 of the P1/11 and P2/11 formats.

IOGP releases the Offshore Infrastructure Survey Data Model (OISDM)

IOGP’s Offshore Infrastructure Survey Data Model (OISDM) is now available. 

IOGP publishes a second Technical specification for calibration and verification of offshore surface survey and positioning systems

Efficiency and standardization continue to be key watchwords for the industry as it strives ever harder to deliver low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy sources to the world.

IOGP publishes industry guidelines for Seawater pressure to depth conversions

This recent Geomatics Committee publication aims to provide a voluntary standardized approach for the determination of depth or height from seawater pressure observations, a subject for which there is currently no industry-wide technical specification.

IOGP releases Land Survey Data Model (LSDM)

(London) IOGP’s Land Survey Data Model (LSDM) is available now. This release continues IOGP Geomatics Committee practice of maintaining an ‘out-of-the-box’ data model template to manage survey data within a geodatabase.

IOGP launches a new Task Force to deliver Common Industry Technical Specification for Fundamental Survey Sensors

(London) Efficiency and standardization continue to be key watchwords for the industry as it recovers from the Corona virus epidemic and strives ever-harder to deliver safer, low cost and lower carbon energy sources to the world.

Revision of the Guidelines for GNSS positioning in the Oil and Gas industry published by IOGP and IMCA

The updated ‘Guidelines for GNSS Positioning in the Oil and Gas Industry’ has been released by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) as IOGP Report 373-19 and the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) as IMCA S 015.

IOGP releases version 1.1 of User Guide for P1/11 Geophysical position data exchange format

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) has released version 1.1 of its User Guide for the P1/11 Geophysical position data exchange format.

Geomatics launch pilot project to deliver first common industry technical specification for offshore survey equipment

Standardization continues to be a top priority for the Association, supporting improvements in safety, reliability and the integrity of industry operations globally.

IOGP releases updated version of the Guidelines for the conduct of offshore drilling hazard site surveys

IOGP has published an update to the Guidelines, reflecting feedback on use of the original document from regulators from around the world, IOGP member companies, contractors, verification bodies and consultants.

IOGP releases Geomatics Guidance Note 24: Vertical Data in Oil and Gas Applications

IOGP has released the Geomatics Guidance Note 24 (IOGP Report Number: 373-24), Vertical Data in Oil and Gas Applications.

IOGP releases version 1.1 of the P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format

(London) The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) has released version 1.1 of its P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format (IOGP Report Number: 483-6). The P6/11 Format

IOGP releases Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM) version 2

(London) The IOGP Geomatics Committee’s Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM) Task Force has completed SSDM version 2 incorporating industry feedback received since the release of SSDM version 1 in April 2011.

IOGP publishes the Technical Notes to supplement the Guidelines for the conduct of offshore drilling hazard site surveys

(London) A properly-conducted drilling hazard site survey for an offshore drilling location is essential to minimise the risk of harm to personnel and equipment and to protect the natural environment.

IOGP releases version 1.1 of geophysical position data exchange formats

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) has released version 1.1 of its P1 and P2 geophysical position data exchange formats. Originally released in 2012 to replace the

IOGP releases coordinate reference system definitions in well-known text format

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) has announced an upgrade to its EPSG online registry of geodetic parameters The online registry now includes the facility to

OGP Geomatics Committee releases SeabedML Application Schema

The OGP Geomatics Committee’s Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM) Task Force has published SeabedML, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Geography Markup Language (GML) Application Schema for SSDM version 1. OGC

OGP to drive Earth Observation uptake in the Industry

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers has set up a new body with the goal of increasing the industry’s use of Earth satellite and airborne imagery, a key

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