
Petrobras hosts OGP’s Geomatics Industry Day in Rio

Geomatics Committee gathered in Rio de Janeiro on 21 and 22 October for their biannual committee meeting, hosted by Petrobras, at the company’s CENPES R&D center. This was followed by an Industry Day, also hosted by Petrobras at the same venue.  It attracted some 100 representatives from local industry and public authorities.

The Geomatics Committee typically arranges these Industry Days to introduce the local E&P industry to OGP and the Geomatics Committee’s activities while simultaneously improving the industry’s knowledge of Geomatics.  It is also a networking opportunity, where operaGtors, contractors, academia and others meet and exchange knowledge and experience.

Following an introduction by Ricardo Lomba of the host company and a talk by Palle Juul Jensen, Chair of the OGP Geomatics Committee, came presentations by Petrobras, the National Agency of Petroleum (ANP), Brazilian Navy Hydrography Centre, Military Institute of Engineering (IME), Federal Fluminense University Geomatics Department, the OGP P6 Task Force and Queiroz Galvao E&P. The presentations all related to the Geomatics discipline and ranged from specific technical topics, such as coordinate reference systems used in Brazil and deep water survey and positioning offshore Brazil, to academic training and research projects.

The event ended with Palle thanks to the Petrobras and its staff , including Ricardo Lomba and Marksuel Xavier Bastos, for hosting and arranging the event.

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