IOGP SSDM Task Force seeks industry feedback on SSDM v1
The IOGP Seabed Survey Data Model Task Force would like to receive industry feedback on SSDM v1. The results will be used to guide development of SSDM v2.
If you would like to participate, please download this feedback document to provide suggestions for proposed changes.
The document provides schema documentation of the current IOGP SSDM model v1 (OGP_SSDM_Template_WGS84_V1_20131223_92.gdb).
Examples of documenting feedback is included in the document as comments. You should document proposed changes to the data model in the same way for a particular field, field type, subtype, domain record, etc.
For the new suggested Feature Classes or fields please use the same structure of the tables in the document, include the description of the object and its purpose in ‘Notes’ column.
Please send your feedback to by October 16th, 2015.