
For a sustainable industry


For a sustainable industry

The Environment Directorate comprises IOGP’s Environment, Metocean, and Decommissioning Committees. It works to help identify and address the environmental issues of current and future operations as well as to deliver decommissioning projects that are safe, environmentally responsible, and cost efficient. It promotes better understanding of the value of meteorology and applied physical oceanography.

Latest News

Decommissioning Committee appoints two new co-chairs

Effective from 1 October, John Gillies, ExxonMobil, and Joe Leask, bp, will be the new co-chairs of IOGP’s Decommissioning Committee.

Environmental performance indicators – 2022 data now available

IOGP Environmental Performance Indicators – 2022 data is now available. The report is accompanied by a standalone executive summary, and a supplementary document focused on the environmental performance of activities within Europe.

New report can provide CO2 storage assurance over the full project lifecycle

IOGP has published Seabed and overburden integrity monitoring for offshore CO2 storage (IOGP Report 657)

IOGP partners with OGCI and Ipieca to help operators select methane mitigation technologies

September 26, 2023 — IOGP, together with industry associations the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), and Ipieca, have released a recommended practices guide to help operators select and deploy methane detection and quantification technologies.

COREXIT availability: Update to Members and Industry – June 2023

Letter to Members on the manufacture of the dispersant COREXIT, June 2023

COREXIT availability: Update to Members and Industry – May 2023

Letter to Members on the manufacture of the dispersant COREXIT, May 2023

FPSO Decommissioning Expert group appoints Co-chairs

FPSO Decommissioning Expert group appoints Eduardo Stein Soares Dutra and Marcelo Dourado as Co-Chairs.

Navigating international offshore decommissioning regulations

This Report aims to provide a comprehensive review of the national legislation and guidelines pertaining to offshore P&A activities for 35 hydrocarbon-producing countries.

Decommissioning workshop held on Comparative Assessment processes

In September 2022, the IOGP Decommissioning Committee held a workshop on Comparative Assessment (CA) to agree upon guiding principles for a genuine CA, discuss the perception of bias, and explore developments and good practices in the five common criteria of comparative assessments.

Environmental Genomics JIP featured in APPEA Journal

Members of IOGP’s Environmental Genomics Joint Industry Programme have co-authored a paper that features in the APPEA Journal.

Recommended practices for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) deployment published

IOGP’s Metocean Committee has published IOGP Report 607 Recommended practices for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) deployment.

European environmental performance indicators report published

With the publication of Environmental performance indicators – Europe 2020 data, IOGP has provided the public with the most up-to-date information on the performance of IOGP Member Companies in Europe.

Dispersant decision toolkit now available

Did you know that dispersants can be an effective way of minimizing the overall ecological and socioeconomic damage of oil spills, enhancing natural biodegradation processes, and preventing oil from reaching coastal habitats and shorelines?

Metocean reports published to improve understanding of climate change on tropical cyclones

IOGP’s Metocean Committee has published an overview of the current state of and recent developments in short-term forecasting of tropical cyclones.

Online EGM showcases IOGP activities

This year’s IOGP Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) event showcased the Associations activities to 302 guests who logged in from all corners of the globe.

Oil spill surveillance planning guidance published

This month,  IPIECA and IOGP released IOGP-IPIECA Report 644 – ‘Oil spill surveillance planning guidance’. This document has been developed to help operators navigate the steps involved in implementing and maintaining a surveillance programme during a response to an oil spill.

A metocean-driven transition

The transition to a low carbon future offers a huge set of challenges to us all – from how we heat our homes to how the companies we work for will enable the transition.

3 questions … on Metocean

In each edition of our newsletter, we publish a short interview with an IOGP colleague or Committee Member. This Pulse’s interview is with the Chair of the Metocean Committee, Oli Jones.

20 years old, IOGP database maintains vital role as environmental performance benchmark

For twenty years, IOGP has collected and published environmental data from its Member Companies. The latest edition, IOGP Report 2020e – Environmental performance indicators – 2020 data, and an executive summary, are available to download from IOGP’s publications library.

Wendy Brown passes on the baton: IOGP welcomes Harvey Johnstone as new Environment Director

Harvey Johnstone has been appointed the Association’s new Environment Director starting 1 September 2021. He follows Wendy Brown, who returns to TotalEnergies after her 4 years’ secondment to IOGP.

Oli Jones to lead the Metocean Committee

IOGP’s Metocean Committee has elected Oliver (Oli) Jones of bp as Chair. He succeeds James Stear of Chevron.

Two IOGP JIPs are accepted as Ocean Decade Actions

Great news! Our #OceanDecade submissions for Sound and Marine Life and Environment Genomics have been accepted by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) and will be categorized as Ocean Decade contributions.

“Hydrogen for Europe” study launch

We are proud to announce the launch of the Hydrogen for Europe study, nearly two years after its inception!

Reimagining decommissioning is creating exciting opportunities

In the 1970s, the building of huge offshore facilities inspired awe, and now, a new feat is taking place that is just as remarkable – decommissioning it.

3 questions …   on decommissioning

In each edition of Pulse, we publish a short interview with an IOGP colleague or Committee Member. This month’s interview is with Siew-Ping Teo, IOGP’s recently appointed Decommissioning Manager.

Underwater sound – Perspective from the oil and gas offshore industry in Europe

This policy brief gives an overview of underwater sound and how it is managed.

IOGP joins GloFouling partnership

On 17 February, IOGP was formally approved as an official ‘observer’ member of the ‘Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety’ part of the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project, an initiative funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and administered by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

IOGP welcomes new Decommissioning Manager 

On 1 March, Siew Ping Teo joined IOGP as the Association’s new Decommissioning Manager.

Methane Guiding Principles: the momentum continues

Founded in 2017 as a voluntary, international multi-stakeholder partnership between industry and non-industry organisations, Methane Guiding Principles (MGP) is working to reduce methane emissions along the entire natural gas value chain.

3  questions… on the EU Methane Strategy and how it relates to the global oil and gas industry

In each edition of Pulse, we publish a short interview with an IOGP colleague or committee member. This month’s interview is with Brussels-based Kamila Piotrowksa, IOGP’s Senior Manager for Policy Strategy. 

Now Available: Environmental performance indicators – 2019 data

IOGP has published its updated Environmental performance indicators – 2019 data. It is available to download from the IOGP Publications Library and at the IOGP Data Portal at https://data.iogp.org/.

NEW: IOGP publishes Report 633 – Risk Based Assessment of Offshore Produced Water Discharges

Sureiya Pochee, Environment Committee Manager Produced water is an inevitable feature of oil and gas production. It is a liquid phase that is associated to oil and gas in the

Joint IOGP-IPIECA-OGCI project to develop industry recommended practices for deploying methane detection and quantification technologies

Rapid evolution of satellite, drone and sensor technologies is enabling better detection and quantification of methane emissions. However, which combination of new and established detection and quantification technologies is most

Environmental management in the upstream oil and gas industry

Since 1997, IOGP’s Report 254 – Environmental management in the upstream oil and gas industry, has been the go-to guide for good practice throughout the lifecycle of upstream projects.  IOGP

IOGP and IPIECA launch new Shoreline response programme guidance

IOGP and IPIECA have published the Shoreline response programme guidance, a technical support document that describes how to manage all the required onshore activities when dealing with an oil spill.

New website aims to promote environmental genomics in the industry

The Environmental Genomics Research Programme is developing and advancing environmental genomics technologies for oil and gas applications and promote their understanding.

Oceans of possibility

The ocean is our planet’s largest ecosystem. It stabilizes climate, stores carbon, produces oxygen, nurtures unimaginable biodiversity, and directly supports human wellbeing through food, mineral, and energy resources, as well as providing cultural and recreational opportunities. Unfortunately, much of the ocean is now seriously degraded, and as a responsible sea user, IOGP is working to help the industry play its role as part of the solution.

3 questions… on how IOGP helps its members reduce their carbon emissions footprint

This month’s interview is with Wendy Brown, IOGP’s Environment Director. Wendy is based at IOGP’s Headquarters in London, and kindly agreed to this short interview on how the Association supports its members in their efforts to help fighting climate change.

Marking International Day for Biological Diversity 2020

On May 22nd, we will recognize the International Day for Biological Diversity.

Oil and gas industry releases updated global sustainability reporting guidance

IPIECA, the American Petroleum Institute (API), and the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) have published a new edition of the Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas industry,

New joint industry project could provide more complete, cost-effective and quicker environmental monitoring

Seven IOGP Member Companies – Chevron, Eni, Equinor, ExxonMobil, Hess, Shell, Total – have launched a new joint industry project (JIP) on Environmental Genomics.

Regulators engage with IOGP

The International Offshore Petroleum Environmental
Regulators (IOPER) invited IOGP to participate in its AGM
in Washington, DC on 29 October.

IMO advances transboundary CCS

The UN’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) has declared that the cross-border transport of carbon dioxide (CO2) may now be allowed for the purpose of carbon capture and storage (CCS).

The Environment Committee gets a new manager

When Sureiya Pochee was growing up in Durban, South Africa, the oil and gas industry was part of her life. Her father was an engineer at the local refinery.

Workshop looks at “Our future climate – understanding the spread of physical risk for the oil and gas industry”

IOGP joined forces with the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) – founded by the World Meteorological Organization and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission – and the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) to hold a cross-disciplinary workshop on the physical risk for the oil and gas industry of a changing climate.

IOGP joins the experts in Abidjan

The objective was to define a post-signature roadmap for the Convention’s additional protocols to be adopted including the Offshore Oil and Gas Protocol.

IOGP joins fight against methane emissions

IOGP is one of three global energy industry associations to sign on to the Methane Guiding Principles.

Unto the third generation: IOGP’s new Environment Director

Wendy Brown, IOGP’s new Environment Director, comes to the role with quite a back story. Both of her grandfathers and her father had lifetime careers working in the downstream and

Biodiversity and ecosystem services: new report provides oil & gas industry good practice guidance

Oil and gas exploration, development and production can have a potential impact on the natural and social environments in which they take place.  Recognizing this, the oil and gas industry

New report addresses offshore drilling’s largest waste stream

Drilling fluids (both water-based and non-aqueous) and drill cuttings are the largest waste streams generated by offshore drilling operations.  Safe and responsible disposal of these materials are therefore an industry

IOGP issues guidance on radiation management

Natural background radiation is all around us.  It comes from cosmic rays, from the air we breathe and the food and water we consume.  It also comes from the earth’s

IOGP hits 15-year milestone in environmental data collection

With the recent publication of Environmental performance indicators – 2014 data, IOGP has reached a 15-year milestone in environmental data collection and reporting. Since 1999, the Association has collected and

In memoriam: Chris Shaw

Highlights is sad to report that former Metocean Committee Chair Chris Shaw died on Monday, 12th October, in St. David’s hospice in North Wales. His family were at his side.

E-SHRIMP gets an update

In 2007, IOGP published a flexible approach to environmental, social and health stewardship associated with oil and gas projects throughout the upstream asset lifecycle. Now, Report 529, Overview of IOGP’s

Environmental performance: six ways IOGP is increasing transparency

With the latest edition of the environmental performance indicators series just published, IOGP has provided the public with the most up-to-date global information on the performance of IOGP member companies,

Offshore monitoring workshop explores new technological opportunities

New technologies in offshore monitoring – and their impact — were the main topics of discussion at a recent OGP workshop.  It took place in conjunction with Oceanology International 2014

OGP addresses fresh water concerns at EU energy forum

OGP Executive Director Michael Engell-Jensen represented the Association at the third Lech Energy Forum, organised by the EU Commission in the mountains of Austria to discuss and develop perspectives for

New EU environmental impact assessment rules good for competitiveness & growth

OGP has welcomed the European Parliament’s recent vote on new environmental impact assessment rules as a step forward.  They improve Europe’s competitiveness without compromising on the environment. “While not imposing

OGP will promote industry safety, health and environmental protection at SPE 2014

A quick glance at the 2014 SPE international conference on Health, Safety and the Environment conference programme shows that OGP and its members will be well represented. The conference takes

Environment Committee charts next five years

It is no secret that environmental issues can pose a threat to the industry. They can drive regulatory change and increase the expectations of stakeholders regarding industry performance. This can

Environmental performance in 2012: report published

Environment performance indicators – 2012 data report, published in December, summarises information on exploration and production (E&P) activities carried out by contributing OGP member companies in 2012. Forty-three member companies

Emmanuel takes the environmental cake

Emmanuel Garland of Total, who recently announced his intention to step down as Chair of the Environment Committee, was presented with a cake at the Committee’s September meeting, held at

Metocean Committee appoints new Chair and Vice Chair

Eugene Berek (ExxonMobil) and Valerie Quiniou-Ramus (Total) have been elected Chair and Vice Chair of the Metocean Committee. “It is difficult for me to imagine improving on the leadership that

Colin Grant recognised for ‘extraordinary contribution’ to Metocean Committee

Colin Grant, on the occasion of his retirement as Chair, was honoured by the Management Committee, and presented with a crystal oil-rig obelisk. He was praised for his ‘extraordinary contribution’

Directorate highlights

Translations of Environmental management in the upstream oil and gas industry

For the past 25 years, IOGP-Ipieca Report 254 – Environmental management in the upstream oil and gas industry has been one of IOGP’s most successful and most accessed publications. The revised version emphasizes topics that have developed or emerged in the industry since the document was first released. This includes the relationship between environmental and social management and the emergence of biodiversity and ecosystem services as a discipline. It is intended to function as a primer, or introductory document, to the fundamentals of environmental management as practiced in today’s upstream oil and gas industry and is available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.


To a global audience of more than 130 experts, IOGP presented “Experience with comparative risk assessment for decommissioning of platforms and the disposal of vessels” at the IMO’s London Convention and London Protocol Scientific Group’s Science Day 2021.


IOGP Metocean Committee’s Tropical Cyclones Webinar – proceedings report provides an overview of the current state of the art and recent developments in short-term forecasting of tropical cyclones. Both the webinar and publication are part of IOGP’s long-term initiative to promote the understanding of climate change on tropical cyclones and engagement in developing solutions for mitigating risks to society and to the oil and gas industry.

Oil and gas: towards a low-carbon future

What is the oil and gas industry doing to play its part in the transition to a lower carbon future while meeting global energy demand?

Recorded in June 2021, this on-demand webinar asks: “What is the oil and gas industry doing to do to reduce its carbon emissions?” Hear insights from industry experts into the activities that contribute to a low-carbon future and help the world meet its net zero target.

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