IOGP hits 15-year milestone in environmental data collection
With the recent publication of Environmental performance indicators – 2014 data, IOGP has reached a 15-year milestone in environmental data collection and reporting.
Since 1999, the Association has collected and published environmental data from its member companies every year. The Environmental performance indicators programme was designed to enable member companies to compare their performance with peers, in an effort to improve performance, efficiency and transparency.
The latest edition includes data submitted by 43 of IOGP’s 59 member operating companies working in 86 countries worldwide. This total includes two companies reporting for the first time.
Information is aggregated at both global and regional levels and is expressed within 6 environmental indicator categories:
- gaseous emissions
- energy consumption
- flaring
- aqueous discharges
- non-aqueous drilling fluids retained on cuttings discharged to sea
- spills of oil and chemicals