
Metocean reports published to improve understanding of climate change on tropical cyclones

IOGP’s Metocean Committee has published an overview of the current state of and recent developments in short-term forecasting of tropical cyclones. The reports are based on an IOGP webinar held in 2020 which included academics, service providers, and research organizations working in the field of climate science.

Tropical cyclones are a key hazard impacting oil and gas operations around the globe. Winds, waves, currents, and water levels generated by these events often control the design of permanent fixed and floating production facilities, export pipelines, and influence operating conditions for mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs). The storm surge associated with tropical cyclones may also greatly impact coastal facilities such as refineries and marine terminals.

In addition to presentations, panel sessions fostered information exchange between climate and forecasting specialists and end-users. The Proceedings Report covers the webinar’s contents in detail, while the Executive Summary provides a concise look at the conclusions and recommendations of the speakers.

The webinar and this publication are part of IOGP’s long-term initiative to promote both understanding of climate change on tropical cyclones and engagement in developing solutions for mitigating risks to society and to the oil and gas industry.

These Reports are available from the IOGP Publications Library.

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