Geomatics Task Force aims for global reach
A group of geomatics and well bore positioning specialists is aiming to provide a new format for well bore survey data exchange. The requirement for a format that fully meets current and future needs have become increasingly evident to industry specialists, driven in part by the exploitation of unconventional resources and the rise in the number of directional and horizontal wells being drilled.
The new Well Bore Survey Data (P7) Task Force will revise the Geomatics Committee’s UKOOA P7/2000 Data Exchange Format for Well Deviation Data.
“The lack of a globally adopted data exchange format for well bore survey data (also known as well deviation data), has led to ambiguity and risk of error in data loading and interpretation due to lack of completeness of data and availability of metadata,” says Mark Michell, Chair of the new Task Force.
The updated data exchange format will also incorporate the new OGP data exchange P-formats common header. The expanded format will incorporate raw sensor measurement data, geomagnetic reference data, uncertainty models, corrections and all other data required to fully re-compute the wellbore trajectory and its associated uncertainty.
OGP members can nominate a technically qualified company representative to join the Task Force by contacting Lucyna Kryla-Straszewska at