IOGP releases version 2.0 of the P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format
(London) The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) has released version 2.0 of its P6/11 Seismic bin grid data exchange format technical specification (IOGP Report 483-6).
The P6/11 technical specification was originally released in 2012 (version 1.0), alongside similar documents for its companion formats, P1/11 and P2/11, with which it shares common elements. These replaced legacy formats P1/90, P2/94, and P6/98, respectively.
In keeping with its commitment to maintain alignment of the formats with technological advances in seismic acquisition, IOGP has released version 2.0 of the navigation data (P2/11) and post-processed position data (P1/11) formats. Due to the common areas and overlap between all three formats, P6/11 has now also been revised to version 2.0.
The revision of P6/11 has offered an opportunity for improvements to the documentation and enhancements to the format. The latest version incorporates lessons learned from the last ten years of implementation and realigns geospatial referencing of coordinates to contemporary ISO rationale. Version 2.0 adds several refinements to the format, as requested by the industry, for example, file versioning, unambiguous definition of bin node position within bin, survey perimeter attributes, and a bin grid loading sheet position record.
A new section on the recommended use cases for the P6/11 has been added to demonstrate the range of possible applications and the versatile nature of the format.
The User Guide, produced for the original version, is being revised to cover P6/11 v2.0 and is expected to be published during Q4 2024.
All IOGP ‘P Formats’ Reports are freely available via the IOGP bookstore at https://www.iogp.org/bookstore/geomatics/.
For more information about the work of the IOGP Geomatics Committee please visit: https://www.iogp.org/workstreams/engineering/geomatics.
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