Geomatics launch pilot project to deliver first common industry technical specification for offshore survey equipment
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (London, 20 March 2018)
Standardization continues to be a top priority for the Association, supporting improvements in safety, reliability and the integrity of industry operations globally. With economic conditions challenging our members, standardization is also a key business driver, to help tackle escalating project costs and schedule.
In collaboration with key contractors and manufacturers, the IOGP Geomatics Committee aims to pool industry knowledge, wisdom and brain power to develop a fit for purpose, shared common industry specification for the calibration & verification of Ultra Short Base Line (USBL) positioning systems.
The full size of the prize is cost reduction and potentially increased quality, reliability, consistency and repeatability of results. Specific efficiency gains have been identified in the areas of:
- reduce vessel time, and requirement for repeated “project” calibrations
- eliminate calibration/verification activities from critical path
- reduce or eliminate contingency time from tender/project schedules
- reduce HSE exposure from quayside activities and vessel time
- avoid duplication, competing and inconsistent standards.
The direct trigger for work was a discussion at the joint IOGP/IMCA/THSiS 2016 Geomatics Industry Day, themed as “Competitive Geomatics expertise & support – innovation, efficiency and standardization initiatives” (more information about this event is available here). During the Industry Day, Survey Contractors and Operators both articulated that the industry, by providing inconsistent specifications for the same activities, is potentially wasting resource and time, and in some cases holding backing innovation and increased productivity.
This pilot project will also help to assess the need for other common industry specifications for calibration and verification of offshore survey equipment, for example multibeam echosounder (MBES), heading sensors, motion reference units (MRU), etc.
IOGP would like to recognise IMCA’s Offshore Survey Division Committee’s positive contribution to the initiative.
For more information about the Geomatics Committee work please visit: https://www.iogp.org/geomatics.
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The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is the voice of the global upstream industry. Oil and gas continue to provide a significant proportion of the world’s energy to meet growing demands for heat, light and transport.
Our Members produce 40% of the world’s oil and gas. They operate in all producing regions: The Americas, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, the Caspian, Asia and Australia.
We serve industry regulators as a global partner for improving safety, environmental and social performance. We also act as a uniquely upstream forum in which our members identify and share knowledge and good practices to achieve improvements in health, safety, the environment, security and social responsibility.