Land transport safety
We are committed to the reducing – and eventually eliminating – land transportation accidents.
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Here, you can access information relevant to safely managing all forms of land transportation operations undertaken during E&P activities.

Motor vehicle crash data
Driving-related incidents have historically been the single largest cause of fatalities in IOGP Member Company operations.
The IOGP Data Series is presented online at Users can search, sort, and compare data more easily, and download individual graphics and tables. Access to the data website is completely free of charge.
IOGP Report No. 365, Land transportation safety recommended practice
This report’s guidance on how to implement land transport safety elements in a management system is consistent with IOGP 510: Operating Management System framework.
We have developed these guidelines to be sufficiently generic to be adaptable to different companies and their cultures worldwide, and to gain the acceptance of diverse workforces. They are applicable to all parts of the E&P industry, including operators, contractors & subcontractors.
Guidance notes to IOGP Report No. 365
An organization can use or adapt these resources for use within its ‘Land Transportation Safety’ management system.
- Report 365-1 – Guidance note 1: Road hazard assessment (Withdrawn, content included in 2020 revision of Report 365)
- Report 365-2 – Guidance note 2: Journey management – (Withdrawn, content included in 365-19 & 365-20)
- Report 365-3 – Guidance note 3: Driver fitness for duty test – (Withdrawn)
- Report 365-4 – Guidance note 4: Road/vehicle accident checklist (editable spreadsheet)
- Report 365-5 – Guidance note 5: Common land transport incident KPIs for Motor Vehicle Crashes – (Withdrawn, content included in 2020 revision of Report 365)
- Report 365-6 – Guidance note 6: Questionnaire/checklist assessment for the implementation of report (editable spreadsheet)
- Report 365-7 – Guidance note 7: Variations for off-road operations – (Withdrawn)
- Report 365-8 – Guidance note 8: Driver trainer recommended approach and profile – (Withdrawn, content included in 2020 revision of IOGP Report 365)
- Report 365-9 – Guidance note 9: Driver qualification process – (Withdrawn)
- Report 365-10 – Guidance note 10: Journey management process – (Withdrawn, content included in 365-19 & 365-20)
- Report 365-11 – Guidance note 11: Commentary drive assessment – (Update planned in 2022)
- Report 365-12 – Guidance note 12: Implementing an in-vehicle monitoring program: A guide for the oil and gas extraction industry (Update planned in 2022)
- Report 365-13 – Clarification and FAQs – Now part of this website
- Report 365-14 – Guidance note 14: Vehicle specification and upfitting (Withdrawn, content included in 2020 revision of Report 365)
- Report 365-15 – Guidance note 15: Bus and coach safety
- Report 365-16 – Guidance note 16: Emergency Response Vehicles
- Report 365-17 – Guidance note 17: Mobile Construction Equipment
- Report 365-18 Guidance note 18: Load Securement
- Report 365-19 Guidance note 19: Land transportation safety recommended practice – journey management
- Report 365-20 Guidance note 20: Secure ground transportation in high threat environments (Members Only)
- Driving bowtie
Seat Belts specification/implementation
“Seat belt campaign toolkit manual” (May 2004), The Federation Internationale De L’Automobile (FIA) Foundation:
Driver training and qualifications
“Specialised Driver Training: Elevating Defensive Driving From a Simple Awareness to a Proactive, Crash Free Reality”, D. Meade and D.Tate, SPE 86832, 7th SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Calgary, Alberta, March 2004 :
Effectiveness of IVMS
- “Making In Vehicle Monitoring Systems Work”, D. Nijen-Twilhaar, I.van Schagen and B. Kassar, SPE 61089, 5th SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Stavanger, Norway, June 2000 :
- “Driver Monitors: Improving Transportation Safety and Enhancing Performance Through Behavioural Change”, T. Ballard, A.Melton and I Sealy, SPE 86834, 7th SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Calgary, Alberta, March 2004 :
- “An Optimal Solution for Enhancing Ambulance Safety: Implementing a Driver Performance Feedback Monitoring Device in Ground Emergency Medical Service Vehicles.” Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM), Technical Paper. Presented at Boston AAAM Annual Conference, September 2005 by Dr Nadine Levick.
- “Real World Application of an Aftermath Driver Human Factors Real Time Auditory Monitoring & Feedback Device: An Emergency Service Perspective.” Levick NR, Wiersch L, Nagel ME, International Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Technical Paper, June 2007.
Use of mobile telephones
- “The Mobile Phone Simulator Study” (2004), Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- Texting whilst driving. UK Public Safety Announcement film.
Driver/duty hours and fatigue
- “Fatigue & road safety: a critical analysis of recent evidence” (2011), UK Dept of Transport
Load securing
- Supplementary amendments that came into effect on 1/12004 in the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 393 102:
- United Nations road safety collaboration (PDF)
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1. What types of vehicles should be included when I gather statistics related to vehicle incidents?
Types of vehicles that should be included:
- All standard light vehicles such as sedans, pick-ups, SUVs
- All standard heavy vehicles including those designed for off-road use
- Vehicles that are “licensable” for on-road uses even though they may not be currently used in that capacity
- Motorcycles
- Tracked vehicles capable of speeds greater than 10 mph
Types of vehicles that may be excluded:
- Forklifts
- Backhoes
- Mobile yard cranes
- Track hoes
- Cherry pickers
- Man-lifts
- Snow mobiles
- Trikes and Quads
- ATVs
Exclude these vehicles unless they are operating as a motor vehicle or in the place of a motor vehicle.
2. What is the accepted definition of a 'commute' or 'commuting' among IOGP members?
MVC incidents that occur while commuting are not included in reporting for Guidance Note 365-5: Land transport incident KPIs. More specifically this applies to:
- Travel from home to a permanent work site and travel from a permanent work site to home
Note: Travel to and from field operations locations is considered to be non-commuting if the employee would be considered to be on company business and thus to be working under management controls – e.g. being dispatched, being compensated for travel, or similar.
- Travel between a worker’s identified work location and any location for personal business, including a restaurant
- Travel between a worker’s established home-away-from-home to the first worksite or to any location for personal business, including a restaurant
- Travel between home and a non-employer-endorsed local conference or other similar function
Commuting travel
For injury/illness reporting, Commute travel begins when the worker is seated in the vehicle in preparation for departure and ends when the worker arrives at their home or worksite and the vehicle is placed in Park or taken out of gear.
For MVC reporting, Commute travel begins when the worker is no longer driving for company business and ends when the worker begins to drive for company business.
An incident is considered to have occurred during commute travel if it meets the requirements above, regardless whether the incident occurs while driving a company or personal vehicle or whether the employee or contract employee is being compensated during this time. Where appropriate, any incident occurring during Commute travel may be considered as asset or property loss but not as an MVC.
When traveling, workers establish a ‘home-away-from-home’ when checked into a hotel, motel, camp or other similar temporary residence.
- Travel directly to the temporary residence before check-in from the airport (train station, etc.) or rental car agency and travel direct from home to the temporary residence is considered business travel, when on work-related business.
- Travel home directly from the temporary residence after checkout at the airport (train station, etc.) or rental car agency and travel direct to home from the temporary residence is considered business travel, when on work-related business.
Note: This definition of “commuting” may not be the same as, nor is it intended to change, various legal and regulatory definitions of “commuting” or similar terms.
3. When should an incident that occurs while a transportation contractor is moving company goods or personnel be considered as an incident reportable by my company?
The incident should be included if it occurs when a contractor that is dedicated or is contracted exclusively to your company is transporting your company’s goods or personnel.
If a contractor, freight forwarder, bus, etc. is not dedicated to transporting your company’s goods or personnel, the incident should not be included for IOGP statistical reporting.
4. When should a vehicle/animal collision be included for statistical reporting?
Any time there is asset damage and/or injury because of the collision.
5. The definition for a Rollover states: 'Any crash where the vehicle has flipped to its sides, top and/or rolled 360 degrees on any axis.' Does this mean that it is considered a rollover if a vehicle rotates end-for-end over 360 degrees, i.e. 360 degrees laterally?
Yes, as well as a longitudinal. The operative word is ‘rollover’, i.e. the wheels must leave the ground.
6. Should an incident that occurs while the vehicle is being operated by an unauthorized operator (such as a family member or if the vehicle is stolen) be included for statistical reporting?
7. When should a vehicle be considered 'Undriveable from the scene under its own power in a roadworthy state'?
The vehicle should only be considered in a roadworthy state if all safety, stability and control systems are fully functional. If the vehicle must be towed because of damage suffered in the crash, it should not be considered roadworthy. The only exception to this may be instances where the vehicle can be repaired using common tools for things such as flat tires.
Additionally, when greater than 50% of the vehicles’ lights on the front or rear are non-functional, the vehicle should not be considered roadworthy.
8. How would I classify this crash?
Download this document for guidance.