IOGP is asking you to BUCKLE UP!
IOGP is committed to improving safety in the oil and gas industry. In 2015 our Members reported that 7 individuals lost their lives in land transportation-related incidents. Reading the narratives for those fatal events you can see that it was likely that not wearing a seatbelt was a factor.
Wearing a seat belt does not prevent crashes, but it does prevent fatalities and serious injuries. So BUCKLE UP!
Our goal is to eliminate fatal incidents where not wearing a seat belt was a factor. You and your company can help get us there.
How you can get involved
How you can get involved
As an individual
- Tweet your support – Click here.
- Visit our Linkedin page and sharing our posts with your network.
- Share our seatbelt safety infographic and YouTube animation
As a company
- Run a seabelt safety campaign at your company!
Use our seatbelt presentation, Seatbelt myths slides and poster - Implement a seatbelt safety policy
BuckleUp tools and resources
BuckleUp tools and resources
In English
In French
In Spanish
In Portuguese
External resources
External resources
Seat-belts and child restraints: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners
This manual presents “good practices” from around the world and is a good source of ideas and experiences. It describes how to set-up a seat-belt (and child restraint) programme in a five-stage process, from assessment to evaluation.
Published by the Foundation for the Automobile and Society (FIA) this manual is a collaboration with the World Health Organization, the Global Road Safety Partnership, the World Bank and the FIA Foundation.
Reference: Seat-belts and child restraints: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners
London, FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society, 2009
Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers—2015
This report is a good source of data to develop a business case to support investment in fleet safety and safe driving programs.
Published by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS)
Implement the Recommended Practice
Implement the IOGP Land Transportation safety Recommended Practice
This revised IOGP report provides 10 Recommended Practices to manage the risks associated with land transportation as well as practical guidance on how to establish the elements of a land transportation management within the framework of the IOGP Operating Management System described in Report 510.
A series of separate guidance notes gives you further guidance on detailed topics such as Offroad driving and driver training.
IOGP Life Saving Rule
IOGP Life Saving Rule 'Wear your seatbelt"
Join us on LinkedIn
Join us on LinkedIn
You can help us reach our goal to eliminate fatal incidents where not wearing a seat belt was a factor by visiting our Linkedin page and sharing our posts.