Standards Solution

Standards Solution

Standards Solution

IOGP and ISO agreed in June 2012 to an Interim Solution that responded to temporary industry uncertainties associated with trade regulations (EU and US) and their applicability to standardization in the oil and gas sector. The Interim Solution allowed the continuation of the development of prioritized ISO/TC67 work items. The Interim Solution involved the development and publication of draft standards by IOGP.

This solution was replaced by the Standards Solution, where we continue to offer a secured environment for developing draft standards. The “IOGP supplementary procedure for development and maintenance of ISO standards has been revised in response to the letter of ISO/TMB TF “Challenges in the oil and gas sector”.

For more information on the Standards Solution, please go to the flyer, presentation or for full details see the revised Supplementary procedure.

In the Standards Solution, drafts for and other contributions to ISO deliverables developed under the IOGP umbrella will be made available to ISO/TC67 Secretariat for ISO ballot or other processing through a publicly accessible website:

The IOGP Standards Solution uses the password-secured ShareFile system allowing participants safe sharing and storing of relevant documents. IOGP’s Standards Committee manages the Standards Solution as a stand-alone project with the assistance of a dedicated Standards Solution Manager and support and guidance from the Administration Task Force (ATF), populated largely by IOGP Standards Committee members. For further information on the Standards Solution, please contact the Standards Solution Manager at email

IOGP Standards Solution – Projects under the IOGP umbrella

IOGP Standards Solution projects – 2024-12-18

INFORMATIVE NOTE   If a standard is published by ISO, the project has been removed from this list

TC SC WG ISO No Title Initiation date* Transferred to ISO. Status via:
67 0 2 29010 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Operating management system – Requirements with guidance for use February 2018
67 0 2 29011 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Operating management system — Maturity assessment November 2020
67 0 2 29012 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Sector-specific quality management systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of quality management systems for product and service supply organizations September 2020
67 0 4 20815 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Production assurance and reliability management February 2023
67 4 19008 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Standard cost coding system June 2023
67 0 7 15156-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production — Part 1: Materials and process requirements September 2023
67 0 7 15156-2 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production — Part 2: Materials selection September 2023
67 0 7 15156-3 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production — Part 3: Verification, qualification and balloting requirements September 2023
67 0 7 23936-3 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production — Part 3: Thermosets May 2024
67 0 8 25501 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Positive Material Identification (PMI) March 2024
67 0 11 18796-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Internal coating and lining of process vessels – Part 1: Technical requirements July 2020
67 0 11 18796-2 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Internal coating and lining of carbon steel process vessels – Part 2: Guideline for selection of coating and lining systems December 2018 Yes
67 0 11 19277-1 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Qualification testing for protective coating systems under insulation December 2020
67 0 11 19277-2 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Qualification testing and acceptance criteria for protective coating systems under insulation – Part 2: Tape coatings December 2020
67 0 11 25484 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Standard for surface preparation and protective coating August 2024
67 0 13 24201 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Bulk material for offshore projects – Tertiary outfitting structures September 2019 Yes
67 0 13 24203 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Bulk material for offshore projects — Design for architectural supports March 2022 Yes
67 0 13 24204 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Bulk material for offshore projects — Standard schedule for architectural doors March 2022 Yes
67 0 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Diving respiratory equipment March 2021
67 2 16 3183 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems

Note: this is one of the pilot projects with the objective to develop full text identical ISO and API standards. API Reference: API 5L

September 2023
67 2 27 14313 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy. Pipeline transportation systems – Pipeline valves June 2023 Yes
67 2 27 14723 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Pipeline transportation systems — Subsea pipeline valves June 2023 Yes
67 3 1 3319 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Drilling, completion and workover fluids — Oilfield brine September 2018
67 3 1 10414-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Field testing of drilling fluids – Part 1: Water-based fluids May 2024
67 3 1 10414-2 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Field testing of drilling fluids — Part 2: Oil-based fluids May 2024
67 3 1 10416 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Drilling fluids — Laboratory testing March 2022
67 3 1 13500 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Drilling fluid materials – Specifications and tests September 2023
67 3 1 13503-8 a  Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Completion fluids and materials – Part 8: Measurement of properties of coated proppants used in fracturing June 2021 Yes
67 3 2 21591 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy -Testing the effect of CO2 exposure on cement properties under downhole conditions. June 2022
67 3 2 10426-7 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Cements and materials for well cementing – Part 7: Laboratory test method for materials for well abandonment June 2017
67 3 3 13503-5 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy–Completion fluids and materials Part 5: Procedures for measuring the long-term conductivity of proppants” June 2024
67 3 3 13503-9 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy –Methods for evaluating performances of acidizing fluids Part1:Measurement of Hydrochloric acidizing fluid. December 2021
67 4 1 24826 Petroleum and natural gas industries┈Drilling and production equipment┈Mud pumps March 2024
67 4 2 13533 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Drilling and production equipment — Drill-through equipment December 2023
67 4 4 16530 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Well integrity – Life cycle governance December 2022 Yes
67 4 6 13628-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 1: General requirements and recommendations

Note: this is one of the pilot projects with the objective to develop full text identical ISO and API standards. API Reference: API 17A

March 2023 Yes
67 4 6 13628-4 b Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy— Design and operation of subsea production systems — Part 4: Subsea wellhead and tree equipment September 2023
67 4 8 23414 a Oil and gas industries including low carbon energy — Workover rigs for offshore fixed platforms December 2023
67 5 3 13680 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless products for use as casing, tubing, coupling stock and accessory material — Technical delivery conditions June 2024
67 6 2 10438 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy– Lubrication, shaft-sealing and control-oil systems and auxiliaries February 2019
67 6 5 13703-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Piping systems on offshore production platforms and onshore plants – Part 1: Design April 2018
67 6 5 14692-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping – Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials March 2021
67 6 5 14692-2 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping – Part 2: Qualification and manufacture March 2021
67 6 5 14692-3 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping – Part 3: System design March 2021
67 6 5 14692-4 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping – Part 4: Fabrication, installation and operation March 2021
67 6 5 24817 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Composite repairs for pipework and vessels — Qualification and design, installation, testing and inspection March 2023
67 6 8 5133 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Protective system requirements for fired equipment January 2020
67 6 11 15138-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Heating, ventilation, and airconditioning – Part 1: Design basis October 2023
67 6 11 15138-2 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Heating, ventilation, and airconditioning– Part 2: Offshore design October 2023
67 6 11 15138-3 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Heating, ventilation, and airconditioning – Part 3: Onshore design October 2023
67 6 11 15138-4 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Heating, ventilation, and airconditioning – Part 4: Equipment, bulk selection and installation October 2023
67 6 11 15138-5 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Heating, ventilation, and airconditioning – Part 5: Operation & maintenance October 2023
67 6 12 28300 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  –  Venting of atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks
Note: this is one of the pilot projects with the objective to develop full text identical ISO and API standards. API Reference: API 2000 7th edition.
March 2022 Yes (API)
67 7 1 19900 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — General requirements for offshore structures March 2023
67 7 3 19901-1 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 1: Metocean design and operating considerations June 2019 Yes
67 7 3 19901-2 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 2: Seismic design procedures and criteria March 2020 Yes
67 7 3 19901-9 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 9: Structural integrity management September 2020
67 7 5 19901-7 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units June 2019 Yes
67 7 3 19902 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy – Fixed Steel Offshore Structure December 2023
67 7 7 19905-2 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units – Part 2: Jack-ups commentary and detailed sample calculation (TR)
67 7 7 19905-4 a Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units – Part 4: Jack-ups: emplacement and removal at a site February 2017
67 7 10 19901-4 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy  – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 4: Geotechnical and foundation design considerations October 2018 Yes
67 9 10 6338-4 a Calculations of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) throughout the liquefied natural gas (LNG) chain — Part 4: Shipping December 2023
67 9 10 6338-5 a Calculations of GHG emissions throughout the LNG chain – Part 5: Regasification December 2023
67 9 * 22238 a Design, construction and testing of high-pressure gas transfer systems December 2023
67 9 12 * Methane emissions in upstream oil and gas operations– Part 1: Quantification March 2024
67 9 12 * Methane emissions in upstream oil and gas operations– Part 2: Leak Detection And Repair March 2024
67 9 12 * Methane emissions in upstream oil and gas operations– Part 3: Flaring & Venting March 2024


a future ISO reference once offered to ISO following the fast-track procedure

b ISO supplement to API standard

PAS = Publicly Available Specification

TR = Technical Report

TS = Technical Specification

*ISO/TC 67 MC PIC date

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