Publications library

Resources for oil and gas professionals

Most popular publications

Process safety – recommended practice on key performance indicators


This report provides guidance on identifying leading and lagging process safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the upstream oil and gas industry.

Safety Leadership in Practice: A Guide for Managers


This report is designed to support senior and/or middle management and supervisors in applying the Safety Leadership Characteristics described in Report 452 and creating a workplace culture that values safety.

Life-Saving Rules


With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launches a simplified set of Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities.

Featured publications

Building an inclusive workforce in the oil and gas industry


The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) Workforce Energy Task Force completed a baseline study in 2022 to investigate how to secure the necessary talent and skills to deliver secure, affordable, and lower carbon energy solutions for all and facilitate digital transformation – while enabling an equitable energy transition. This report, intended for

IOGP 437 Sustainability reporting guidance

Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry


The  Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry is a key tool to help companies shape the structure and content of their sustainability reporting.

Introducing JIP33: Standardizing procurement specifications

JIP33 is making a step-change improvement in the specification, procurement and delivery of equipment for the oil and gas industry, through the use of standardized industry procurement specifications.

New publications

S-618 Offshore Pedestal-mounted Cranes (API)

S-618 v2

The purpose of the IOGP S-618 specification documents is to define a minimum common set of requirements for the procurement of offshore pedestal-mounted cranes in accordance with API Specification 2C, 8th Edition, published October 2020 and Errata 1, published June 2021, Offshore Pedestal-mounted Cranes, for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries. The IOGP

Environmental data collection user guide (2024 data) – Definitions and exclusions


The collection, collation, and reporting of upstream environmental information has been a central part of the IOGP work programme since 1998. IOGP Member Companies are invited to submit data relating to their exploration and production activities on an annual basis. Submitted data are compiled, analysed, and reported in the annual Environmental Performance Indicators Report. Seven

Guidelines for design and operations to minimize and avoid flaring


This Report offers guidance for the design and implementation of solutions to assist the upstream oil and gas industry in minimizing or eliminating flared gas sources and volumes throughout the lifecycle of their assets. This Report can be used as a technical supplement to IOGP-Ipieca-GGFR Report 467 – Flaring management guidance.

Flexible pipe annulus vent monitoring and topside venting systems


This Report offers comprehensive guidance for annulus vent monitoring systems including topside piping systems. Annulus Vent Gas Monitoring (AVGM) systems have been widely deployed and can be useful for the timely identification of unbonded flexible pipe failure modes, such as outer sheath failure or leakage from the bore. This Report’s objective is to provide recommended

Guidelines for 4D seismic surveys


Seismic data plays a pivotal role in successful exploration, appraisal, and development of oil and gas reservoirs. It is also important for projects like carbon capture and storage. By introducing the temporal component, referred to as the fourth dimension (4D), time-lapse seismic allows us to observe changes within these reservoirs, including fluid presence, saturations, and

S-719 Water Mist Fire Protection Systems (NFPA)

S-719 v2

The purpose of the IOGP S-719 specification documents is to define a minimum common set of requirements for the procurement of water mist fire protection systems in accordance with NFPA 750, 2023 Edition (effective date of 9th April 2022), Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems, for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries.