Sound and marine life
Managing the specially funded Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Project, we aim to better characterize the sounds the industry produces.
Recommended monitoring and mitigation measures for cetaceans during marine seismic survey geophysical operations
Seismic Surveys & Marine Mammals – joint OGP/IAGC position paper (2017)
Seismic Surveys & Marine Mammals – joint OGP/IAGC position paper (2017)
Model based assessment of underwater noise from an airgun array soft-start operation
Sound and marine series: A quick guide to PAMGuard (for researchers)
Sound and marine series: IOGP Report No. 451 in brief
Sound and marine series: Background to IOGP Report No. 451
Sound and marine series: A quick guide to PAMGuard (for regulators)
Sound and marine series: A quick guide to PAMGuard
Fundamentals of Underwater Sound
Seismic Surveys and Marine Mammals – joint OGP/IAGC position paper