Life-Saving Rules – Start Work Checks

IOGP Report 459-1

The Start Work Checks are recommended for companies who have launched, or are planning to launch, the Life-Saving Rules. The Checks enable frontline workers to confirm that the controls/safeguards designed to prevent fatalities and serious injuries.

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In 2018, following rigorous data analysis, IOGP introduced a revised and simplified set of nine Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in our industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities. With the Start Work Checks (SWCs), IOGP introduces a human performance tool designed to enable organizations to more effectively implement the Rules in the workplace. The SWCs are recommended for companies who have launched, or are planning to launch, the Life-Saving Rules. The Checks enable frontline workers to confirm that the controls/safeguards designed to prevent fatalities and serious injuries are in place and functioning at the exact location a task is to be done, just prior to starting it.

The Checks are designed to encourage workers to have empowering conversations about what performing a task safely really means, what they need to do, and if those things are present and functioning.

The Start Work Check files available for download here include a guidance document and PDFs of the individual checks, including a set in editable form. They also include translated versions of the Checks in 25 languages in addition to English. These will support companies through their deployment and implementation of the IOGP Start Work Checks (SWCs). It provides a description of the Start Work Check concept, content, and a comprehensive guide based on IOGP Member Company best practices and experiences that covers the foundational steps needed for successful deployment. Additional implementation tools are available from the IOGP website.