Energy Transition Integrated Framework

Energy Transition Integrated Framework

About Electrification

Electrification of oil and gas production can enable efficiency gains in power generation and further GHG improvement if lower-carbon electricity is available for import. Onshore and near shore shallow water are best suited to electrification, while there are some challenges electrifying distant offshore deepwater facilities. While electrification enables future decarbonization as energy supply increases in low carbon power, it also offers unique advantages for optimization and control in support of reducing emissions. Electrification of heat should also be considered but depends very much on the integrated efficiency of a system as well as feasibility of application.

What does good look like?

  • Electrification of power and heat linked with decarbonizing power grids.
  • Implementation of advanced digital optimization and control systems.
  • Integrated industrial supply chain in support of accelerated electrification of industry.

How is it achieved?

Recommended publications

IOGP 653. Recommended practices for electrification of oil and gas facilities

Recommended practices for electrification of oil and gas facilities

This Report provides recommendations for the electrification of oil and gas (and other petrochemical processing) facilities to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Electrification technology deployment catalogue

Electrification technology deployment catalogue

This technology deployment catalogue identifies and summarizes available electrification options/technologies that support effectively reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the upstream oil and gas industry. It focuses on high-level information aimed at non-electrical engineers or decision makers undertaking specific project, concept, or front-end engineering design (FEED).

Energy Transition - Lessons Learned

Energy Transition - Lessons Learned

(IOGP Members Only)

About Electrification

Electrification of oil and gas production can enable efficiency gains in power generation and further GHG improvement if lower-carbon electricity is available for import. Onshore and near shore shallow water are best suited to electrification, while there are some challenges electrifying distant offshore deepwater facilities. While electrification enables future decarbonization as energy supply increases in low carbon power, it also offers unique advantages for optimization and control in support of reducing emissions. Electrification of heat should also be considered but depends very much on the integrated efficiency of a system as well as feasibility of application.

What does good look like?

  • Electrification of power and heat linked with decarbonizing power grids.
  • Implementation of advanced digital optimization and control systems.
  • Integrated industrial supply chain in support of accelerated electrification of industry.

How is it achieved?

Recommended publications

IOGP 653. Recommended practices for electrification of oil and gas facilities

Recommended practices for electrification of oil and gas facilities

This Report provides recommendations for the electrification of oil and gas (and other petrochemical processing) facilities to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Electrification technology deployment catalogue

Electrification technology deployment catalogue

This technology deployment catalogue identifies and summarizes available electrification options/technologies that support effectively reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the upstream oil and gas industry. It focuses on high-level information aimed at non-electrical engineers or decision makers undertaking specific project, concept, or front-end engineering design (FEED).

Energy Transition - Lessons Learned

Energy Transition - Lessons Learned

(IOGP Members Only)

View the Methane Emissions Management webpage
View the Reducing flaring, venting, and fugitives webpage
View the Energy and operating efficiency webpage
View the Electrifying facilities with low carbon energy sources webpage
View the Carbon Capture, Transportation, and Storage webpage
View the Alternative Fuels webpage
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