Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee

Launched in 2022, the Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee will focus on accelerating the standardization of CCS to improve its cost, scheduling, and safety, thus ensuring widespread implementation of CCS. It will collaborate with other associations working in the climate change space, as well as with international and regional regulators and standards organizations.

Mission and aims

The Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee focuses on maximizing technical sharing of lessons learned from early Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) pilot projects. The Committee streamlines and accelerates the standardization of CCS technologies and processes to improve their cost, scheduling, risk and safety, thus ensuring widespread implementation of the CCS industry, encouraging its public acceptance and paving the way for the decarbonization of O&G own facilities and hard to abate Industries.

The CCS Committee, composed of key CCS managers in leading positions within IOGP Member Companies, is fully integrated within IOGP overall Energy Transition Program and is collaborating with other Associations working in the Climate Change space, as well as with International and Regional Regulators and Standards Organizations.

It focuses on areas where IOGP Members can leverage their expertise and ensure that it aligns with, and does not duplicate, activities of other Industry bodies, such as OGCI, Ipieca, API, ISO, SPE, EI, ZEP, CCSA or GCSSI.

The core sucess drivers to be measured are: cost reduction trend on CCS Project development costs and faster Project Sanctioning / Final Investment Decision process throughout simplification and effective availability of adequate CCS international standards and recommended practices that are adopted by the O&G Operating companies and have broad Stakeholder and Government acceptance.


The Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee addresses the Oil & Gas industry’s ability to contribute to a widespread and economically viable deployment of CCS, including capture, injection, and storage of carbon dioxide, through shared knowledge, expertise, and lessons learned.

Existing standards relevant to CCS (including capture from different flue gas, transportation by pipeline, shipping and road/railway, storage, and monitoring) will be reviewed and proposals developed for both amendments and for new standards needed to support larger deployment of CCS. The Committee will consider Member Companies practical experience and internal needs in order to shape an exhaustive and organic regulatory framework for CCS projects.

CCS Committee will steer and coordinate dedicated Task Forces with Member Company staff subject matter skilled and highly experienced in CCS topics to produce recommended practices to enable Oil & Gas Operators to decrease CCS project risks and maximize safety during the entire project lifecycle.


The Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee is chaired by Laurence Gouet, TotalEnergies

Vice Chairs are Ola Miljeteig, Equinor; Brian Chase, Chevron; Jamie White, ExxonMobil

IOGP Energy Transition Director: Concetto Fischetti

Committee Manager: Kevin Spencer


The CCS Committee has the following subcommittees and task forces:

  • To be added


The 2022-2023 Scope of Work encompasses 5 deliverable as follows:

  1. CCS standards and guides

Existing standards and guides relevant to CCS (including capture, treating, transportation, storage, and monitoring) will be reviewed and proposals developed for amendments to existing standards and for new standards needed to support widespread deployment of CCS. This review will be based on Operators practical experience, internal Member companies specifications and best practices where available and applicable.

  1. Recommended Practice(s) for Measuring, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) Plans

This document will address cost-effective monitoring (schedule, definition of area, timing) post-injection and closure to mitigate long term storage liabilities. It will account differences between storage of CO2 in saline aquifers and depleted reservoirs and cover plume migration related to reservoir and seabed storage complexes.  A systematic interface and alignment will be put in place with the task force currently working within Environment Committee accountable to define a Guidance on Sea bottom and Overburden Carbon Storage risk monitoring, as well as with other relevant Task Forces within Well, Geomatics and Subsea Committees.

  1. A common methodology to address evaluation of net CO2 avoidance to atmosphere

This document addresses evaluation of net CO2 avoidance to atmosphere based on life-cycle approach (LCA)

  1. Risk Assessment tools/ checklists for CCS storage projects

This document contains Risk Assessment tools/checklists for CCS storage projects.

  1. Standard economic methodology to compare different CCS capture technologies

This document will report standard economic methodology to compare different CCS capture technologies to be economically deploy CCS Projects mainly focus on  Upstream facilities.

The Committee will also support IOGP efforts to:

  • Elaborate the CCS Metrics and KPIs to be adopted by IOGP to report O&G performance within CCS Framework
  • Support, with technical and scientific references, advocacy to increase acceptance of CCS projects and contribute to other Directorates addressing policy and business models needs
  • Assist at key CCS-related events, including regional or international regulatory meetings, and ensure effective engagement with all Members and related business partners, O&G trade associations, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders active in the CCS space as needed.
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