Energy Transition

Our plan to tackle climate change through industry decarbonization

Energy Transition

Tackling climate change with IOGP Energy Transition programme

Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee (CCTS)

Launched in 2021, the Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee will focus on accelerating the standardization of CCS to improve its cost, scheduling, and safety, thus ensuring widespread implementation of CCS. It will collaborate with other associations working in the climate change space, as well as with international and regional regulators and standards organizations.

Low Carbon Operational Efficiency Committee (LCOE)

Launched in 2021, the Low Carbon Operational Efficiency Committee will focus on decreasing CO2 emissions and methane intensity in upstream operations. It will coordinate its efforts with global industry groups including OGCI, Ipieca, API, EI, MGP, and GGFR.

2022 highlights

2023 work plan

The CCTS Committee has three major publications currently in development and scheduled to
be published in 2023:

    • A common methodology to address evaluation of net CO2 avoidance to atmosphere
    • Risk assessment tools for CCS
    • A standard economic methodology to compare different CCS capture technologies

It will support IOGP’s advocacy efforts by providing sound scientific evidence to argue for increased acceptance of CCS projects, and seek out other areas where we can contribute to the technological advancement and social acceptance of CCS as a key tool in industry decarbonization efforts.

2022 highlights

2023 work plan

The LCOE Committee will, in 2023, conclude work on several in-development publications, including those on minimizing flaring, vent stream capture, energy efficiency KPIs, and a technology deployment catalogue.

It will also publish screening methodologies, operational recommended practices for energy management and optimization, and a database of venting scenarios and suggested solutions. We will continue revising and updating the IOGP-Ipieca energy efficiency compendium.

Carbon Capture, and Storage Committee Contacts

Chair: Ola Miljeteig, Equinor
Vice Chairs: Brian Chase, Chevron; Sara Rauch, TotalEnergies; Jamie White, ExxonMobil
Director: Faye Gerard
Manager: Kevin Spencer

Low Carbon Operational Efficiency Committee Contacts

Chair: Andy Best, bp; Krish Ravishankar, Oxy
Director: Faye Gerard
Manager: Dario Buccellato

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