Seabed Survey Data Model package

SSDM package

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SKU: 462 Package Category: Tag:


Since its publication in April 2011, the Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM) has become the de facto industry standard for delivering seabed survey data in geographic information system (GIS) format.

Historically, geographical features interpreted from seabed survey data have been delivered in unstructured CAD files. This has made the management, integration and exchange of the survey data and interpretation of results difficult. To address these issues the IOGP Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM) Task Force was formed in 2010 to define a standard GIS data model for delivery, management and exchange of seabed survey data. In January 2017 IOGP successfully released an updated version of the model (SSDM V2) incorporating the industry feedback received so far.

Version 2 of the SSDM package will unpack itself into the following structure:

  • 1_Change_Log
  • 2_Data_Dictionary
  • 3_Data_Model_Templates
    • 2a_GIS
    • 2b_SeabedML
  • 4_Data_Model_Guidelines
  • 5_Symbology
  • 6_Metadata
    • FGDC
    • ISO19139
  • 7_ Feedback_Form

The IOGP reports supporting SSDM Version 2 are also available:

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