The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) has been collecting safety incident data from its Member Companies globally since 1985. The data collected are entered into the IOGP safety database, which is the largest database of safety performance in the exploration and production (E&P) industry. The principal purpose of the data collection and analysis is to record the global safety performance of the contributing IOGP Member Companies on an annual basis. The submission of data is voluntary and is not mandated by IOGP Membership. The annual reports provide trend analysis, benchmarking and the identification of areas and activities on which efforts should be focused to bring about the greatest improvements in performance.
The IOGP incident reporting system covers worldwide E&P operations, both onshore and offshore, and includes incidents involving both Member Companies and their contractor employees.
The key indicators presented are:
- number of fatalities
- fatal accident rate
- fatal incident rate
- total recordable injury rate
- lost time injury rate
- number of lost work day cases
- number of lost work days
- number of restricted duty cases
- restricted duty days, and
- number of medical treatment cases
The analysis presents contributing IOGP Members’ global results for these indicators, which are then analysed by region, function and company.