Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices

IOGP Report 690

Report 690 – Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices (OHRP) and its component documents provide recommended practices that will assist in the safe, effective, and efficient management of offshore commercial helicopter transport operations.

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Report 690 – Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices (OHRP) and its component documents provide recommended practices that will assist in the safe, effective, and efficient management of offshore commercial helicopter transport operations. The document reflects industry best practices, developed in collaboration between Oil and Gas Companies, Aviation Industry Associations, and Helicopter Operators. Adopting the Offshore OHRP will provide the framework for effective management of a key material risk to the safety of offshore personnel.

This report provides the basis for use as a contractible standard associated with the management of offshore commercial helicopter transport operations. The document can be referenced for technical specifications during the tendering stage, and then be used in the execution of ongoing operational management. To drive standardization and consistency, whilst reducing ambiguity within all contracted operations, it is recommended the OHRP content be adopted by all IOGP Member Companies for their company and contracted operations using offshore helicopter transport.

Report 690 contains five modules providing guidance on Safety Management Systems, Aircraft Operations, Support Operations, Helicopters and Equipment, and Engineering. This Report’s downloadable .zip contains PDFs of the complete report as well as separate PDFs of the individual modules.

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