IOGP Report 487 – Mutual aid – A global framework for the offshore oil and gas industry (Global Industry Response Group)


IOGP Report 487

Mutual aid – A global framework for the offshore oil and gas industry

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Discover how operators and industry associations can initiate and develop mutual aid arrangements that are fit for purpose, and identify some of the issues and challenges that may be encountered.

OGP has examined the typical elements of a response to a large-scale offshore incident. It has concluded that mutual aid arrangements are best addressed at the local, regional or basin level where resources are more likely to be quickly accessible and where operators are likely to share common technical, logistical, legal and regulatory environments. Therefore, this framework has been developed to inform and assist operators and industry associations in initiating and conducting mutual aid arrangement discussions within their local or regional basins. It lays out a process for scoping and developing mutual aid arrangements tailored to local circumstances, and identifies some of the issues and challenges that may be encountered.

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