Joint IPIECA/OGP biodiversity workshop summary

IOGP Report 346

Explore the discussions that took place at a biodiversity and oil and gas industry workshop at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew (UK) in 2003.

IOGP Report 346

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Explore the discussions that took place at a biodiversity and oil and gas industry workshop at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew (UK) in 2003.

On 3-4 June 2003, IPIECA and OGP held a biodiversity and oil and gas industry workshop at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew (UK). The workshop brought together 60 representatives from industry, conservation NGOs and intergovernmental organisations. This report summarises the discussions that took place in the two workshop break-out group sessions, the first relating to the Energy and Biodiversity Initiative and the second to oil and gas operations in sensitive environments. The report also briefly analyses the workshop feedback given by delegates on the workshop evaluation forms.

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