Updated Ipieca and IOGP compendium of energy and GHG efficient technologies and practices.
The updated technologies and good practices are available as a compendium, or individually below:
- Combined-cycle gas turbines
- Combined heat and power
- Compressors
- Cooling systems
- Ejectors
- Energy-efficient design for carbon dioxide reduction
- Energy performance monitoring and optimization
- Fuel-fired furnaces and boilers
- Heat exchangers
- Open-cycle gas turbines
- Alternative thermodynamic cycles
- Pinch analysis
- Pumps
- Artificial lift
- Drilling rigs
- Electric motors
- Flowlines and pipelines
- Gas turboexpanders
- Heat pumps
- Liquid recovery power turbines
The most economical method of reducing GHG emissions is to reduce energy consumed. The compendium raises awareness and uptake of energy efficiency technologies and practices for use across the industry value chain.