Health aspects of work in extreme climates

IOGP Report  398

Learn about the hazards working in extreme cliamtes can pose, including extremes of temperature, wind and humidity

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Learn about the hazards working in extreme cliamtes can pose, including extremes of temperature, wind and humidity

These guidelines update two previous publications, ‘Health aspects of work in extreme climates within the E&P industry – the cold’ (Report No. 6.65/270, January 1998) and, ‘Health aspects of work in extreme climates within the E&P industry – the heat’ (Report No. 6.70/279, September 1998). They were produced by the E&P Forum which later became OGP. Because so much of the physiology and advice is the same for both heat and cold, members of the current OGP/IPIECA Health Committee decided to produce a combined document. Many oil and gas companies have operations in extreme climates, and this work can pose a number of hazards, including extremes of temperature, wind and humidity. These can lead to serious health problems in an exposed individual. These guidelines aim to provide practical information to line management and health professionals in order to protect and maintain health and prevent accidents, illness and loss of life. In certain situations, additional measures may be required to ensure effective and efficient performance.