Global Production Report 2019

IOGP Report 2019GPR

A look at regional supply of – and demand for – oil and gas the world over

This report looks at production and demand figures in all producing regions: Africa, Asia/Pacific, the CIS, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Central and South America, for both oil and gas. These data are drawn from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy of June, 2019.

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A look at regional supply of – and demand for – oil and gas the world over

This report looks at production and demand figures in all producing regions: Africa, Asia/Pacific, the CIS, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Central and South America, for both oil and gas. These data are drawn from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy of June, 2019.

For each of the regions, we have devised an IOGP Production Indicator© for oil and gas. It shows to what degree a region can meet its own demand. While IOGP supports global trade, we also recognize the advantages that come with indigenous production of oil and gas. These include greater prosperity and enhanced security of supply.

Complementing our analysis are projections for each region. Some are based on publicly available material. Others represent the views of IOGP member companies and organizations and specialists from the Association’s secretariat.

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