E&P industry safety performance accident data 1997

IOGP Report 281

IOGP Report 281

Assess the safety performance of the global E&P industry in 1997, through its accident data

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Assess the safety performance of the global E&P industry in 1997, through its accident data

The data base for the E&P Forum’s 1997 accident statistics was the biggest since international data gathering began in 1984. In 1997 the data covered 1161 million manhours worked, an increase of 27% from 1996. This population is equivalent to over 500,000 employees, and represents a substantial majority of all those employed in the upstream oil and gas industry. In total, 68 countries are represented in the data base. The data were compiled from the voluntary returns of 40 member companies (representing 80% of the E&P Forum member companies), 2 national associations, and 9 non-member companies (the latter all from one country). There were 100 reported fatalities in 1997 compared to 74 reported in 1996, giving a fatal accident rate in 1997 of 8.35 fatalities per 100 million hours worked, compared to 8.12 in 1996. Vehicle accidents were by far the most common cause of fatalities, accounting for 33% of all deaths. Aircraft incidents and incidents resulting in personnel being struck

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