A user guide for the evaluation of chemicals used and discharged offshore

IOGP Report 490

Learn about Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management(CHARM).

IOGP Report 490

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Learn about Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management(CHARM).

The CHARM (Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management) model was developed in close co-operation between the E&P industry, chemical suppliers and authorities of some of the countries party to the Oslo and Paris conventions. It can be used as a tool by governments in the harmonisation of regulations; by regulators to assist in decision making; by Operators for guiding operational improvement; and by chemical suppliers in the development of chemicals with improved environmental characteristics. Various parts of the model have been validated in experimental programmes. The results of these programmes are not presented in this report. For more information, please refer to the original reports (Foekema et al., 1998; Stagg et al., 1996).

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Environmental Management

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