Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals: A summary
Understanding induced seismicity associated with oil and natural gas operations
In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea
IPIECA climate change reporting framework
Recommended monitoring and mitigation measures for cetaceans during marine seismic survey geophysical operations
Seismic Surveys & Marine Mammals – joint OGP/IAGC position paper (2017)
Seismic Surveys & Marine Mammals – joint OGP/IAGC position paper (2017)
Recovered water management study in shale wells
At-sea containment and recovery
Impacts of oil spills on marine ecology
Arctic oil spill response (Arctic fact sheets)
Controlled in-situ burning of spilled oil
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials – The Facts
In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea
Dispersants: subsea application
Drilling waste management technology review
Report 534 – Impacts of oil spills on shorelines
New technologies in offshore monitoring – Summary
Managing Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (BES) issues along the asset lifecycle in any environment: 10 Tips for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry
Sensitivity mapping for oil spill response
Dispersants: surface applications
Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals
Environmental fate and effects of ocean discharge of drill cuttings and associated drilling fluids from offshore oil and gas operations
A guide to shoreline clean-up techniques
Good Practices for the Collection of Biodiversity Baseline Data