Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
Incident Management System for the Oil and Gas Industry
Oil spill exercises
Economic assessment and compensation for marine oil releases
Environment, spill response, and safe operations workshop summary
Oil spill surveillance planning guidance
Oil spill monitoring and sampling
Shoreline response programme guidance
Key principles for the protection, care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife
Guidelines on Implementing Spill Impact Mitigation Assessment (SIMA)
A guide to oiled shoreline assessment (SCAT) surveys
In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea
At-sea containment and recovery
Impacts of oil spills on marine ecology
Controlled in-situ burning of spilled oil
In-water surveillance of oil spills at sea
Dispersants: subsea application
Report 534 – Impacts of oil spills on shorelines
Sensitivity mapping for oil spill response
Dispersants: surface applications
A guide to shoreline clean-up techniques
Contingency planning for oil spills on water
Response strategy development using net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA)
IOGP-IPIECA Report 520: Oil spill preparedness and response: an introduction
Aerial observation of oil spills at sea
Oil spills: inland response