
Made to measure

A new IOGP recommended practice aims to address the challenge of accurately measuring single and multi-layer level in the hydrocarbon processing industry. IOGP 547, Hydrocarbon process single and multi-layer level measurement – Recommended Practice provides:

  • guidance in the provision of level measurement from an instrumentation perspective
  • further clarification on the commonly used technologies used in the context of upstream oil and gas, whilst not contradicting existing IEC/ISO/API standards
  • an easier way for product manufacturer and asset owners to  deliver level measurement devices proven in use and suitable for specific applications.

It covers the selection and installation of instruments used for single and multi-layer level measurement that are encountered in upstream hydrocarbon facilities. This includes the overall and interface hydrocarbon process level measurement for liquids, recognizing the need to cater for emulsion and foaming issues.

Download the recommended practice from the IOGP website.

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