NewsroomStandards Position Papers

Offshore Structures Reliability webinars planned

With this year’s Offshore Structures Reliability Conference cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic, IOGP’s Offshore Structures Subcommittee is organising a series of virtual engagement sessions for the offshore structures’ community.

The webinars are open to professionals working in the offshore structural and metocean fields, such as operating companies, academia, certifying bodies, engineering houses, fabricators, and regulators.
Two webinars on fixed offshore structures are planned. A third webinar – on floating offshore structures – will take place in December.

Recent developments in wave load (wave-in-jacket and wave-in-deck)
Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 12:00 UK to 14:00 UK
Moderator: Andre van der Stap, Principal Technical Expert Offshore Structures, Shell
Speaker: Ramsay Fraser, Segment Engineering Technical Authority Offshore Structures, BP

Performance-based design for offshore structures
Thursday 5th November 2020 at 12:00 UK to 14:00 UK
Moderator: Andre van der Stap, Principal Technical Expert Offshore Structures, Shell
Speaker: Ramsay Fraser, Segment Engineering Technical Authority Offshore Structures, BP

For more information, and to register, visit the event page.

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