Driving-related incidents are historically the single largest cause of fatalities in IOGP member company operations.
The Association has recently published three new reports to help reduce driving-related injuries and fatalities for its member companies and the oil and gas industry in general.
IOGP Report 365 – Land transportation safety recommended practice
Report 365 is the keystone document of the Land Transportation Recommended Practice Series. Now in its fourth edition, this update aligns Report 365 with the Life-Saving Rules and Project Safira recommendations, such as the use of 5-star NCAP rated light vehicles. This report provides:
- a summary table of the 12 Land Transportation Safety Elements with icons and detailed guidance to assist oil and gas companies in implementation
- detailed vehicle specifications based on type of vehicle used (Section B.1)
- practical guidance on Driver Training (Section B.2)
- KPIs for Motor Vehicle Crashes (previously published as Report 365-5)
- guidance on establishing the elements of a land transportation management system within the framework of IOGP Report 510 (Section D)
365-19: Land transportation safety recommended practice – Journey management
Journey Management is a process used by organisations to ensure their travelling workforce are safe before, during, and after travel. A systematic, detailed approach to journey planning is essential, especially when operating in high or elevated threat environments. Report 365-19 offers guidance on designing a detailed and systematic journey management process.
IOGP Report 365-20R – Journey Management – Secure ground transportation in high threat environments
This report is aimed at security professionals and offers guidance on mitigating physical security threats during travel in locales with elevated security risks. It is a security-focused supplement to IOGP Report 365-19.
IOGP Report 365-20 is restricted to IOGP Members and can be accessed via the Members’ Area.