Picture perfect
Following the success of last year’s poster session, during which chairs and managers of IOGP’s standing committees held informal briefings for EGM attendees, the Houston EGM repeated the exercise. With one notable improvement: the availability of chairs for those who found over four hours on foot during the course of two days somewhat tiring.
For the Communications Committee, the session provided an opportunity to poll attendees on messages. Using a poster featuring 42 ‘numbers of the week’ that have featured on the IOGP website, Chair Colin Joyce of Shell and IOGP Global Engagement Manager Olaf Martins asked members to vote on their favourite. The winner, by far, was a reference to ’72 uses of oil in every day life’, a panel that has appeared in 10 languages (shown here in English).
Other popular numbers were ‘net-zero’, about off-setting greenhouse gas emissions and ‘1’, explaining how a single gram of shipping diesel can move one tonne of cargo one kilometre.
All 14 posters from the Houston EGM session can be seen on the Members’ website.