
Partnership with the Energy Institute will further improve learning

To further improve learning from incidents and prevent repeat incidents, IOGP has partnered with the Energy Institute. IOGP maintains the upstream industry’s largest safety database, and the Energy Institute has developed a tool to make learning from incidents more accessible to frontline staff, including access on mobile phones. “We could have spent years developing a mobile solution, at considerable cost. However, it was quicker, cheaper, and more effective to collaborate with the Energy Institute,” says Steve Norton, IOGP Safety Director. “By working together, learnings from the IOGP incidents are now easily accessible and available in the Energy Institute tool.”

Our objective is to eliminate fatalities and major process safety events. Learning from incidents and preventing repeat incidents is one of the best tools we have to achieve this.

The app is available via mobile phone at When prompted, follow instructions to ‘add to homescreen’.

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