Driving-related incidents have historically been the largest cause of fatalities in IOGP Member Company operations. The IOGP Land Transportation Safety Subcommittee (LTSC) aimed to help reduce, and ultimately eliminate, serious road traffic incidents and land transportation-related fatalities, by providing guidance on implementing land transportation safety elements within a management system.
This Report presents contributing IOGP Members’ global results for these indicators:
- Number of motor vehicle crash (MVC) fatalities
- Number of motor vehicle crashes for each reporting group and category
- Motor vehicle crash rate (motor vehicle crashes per million kilometres) for each reporting group and category
Reporting companies will typically report their own data as well as that of their contractors. The indicators are analyzed by region for both company and contractor data.
The main Report, 2022m, is available on IOGP publications library. A supplementary executive summary, and the company-submitted fatal and high potential event narratives, are also available.
These Reports are also available on the dedicated IOGP data site, https://data.iogp.org