Fixed-wing commercial air transport recommended practices (IOGP Report 691) is the latest addition to IOGP’s Oil and Gas Aviation Recommended Practices (OGARP) series. This series has been developed in collaboration between oil and gas companies, aviation industry associations, and aircraft operators, and provides a framework for effective management of a key material risk to the safety of personnel. The OGARP series is the next iteration of IOGP’s previous aviation safety guidance, IOGP Report 590 – Aviation Management Guidelines.
IOGP Report 691, covering the operation of fixed-wing commercial air transport operations, is comprised of five modules: Safety Management Systems, Aircraft Operations, Support Operations, Engineering, and Aircraft and Equipment.
These modules are further divided into sections covering the main activities associated with the delivery of aviation services. The format and content of Report 691 are closely aligned with IOGP Report 690 – Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices for ease of implementation, with the necessary alternations to apply to fixed-wing activities. Report 691 is a major step forward in presenting a cohesive, internationally-applicable guide for performance, training requirements, equipment recommendations, and more.
This Report is available to download from the IOGP Publications library.