
IOGP safety database – largest database of E&P safety performance – releases 2021 data  

This year’s safety performance indicators report (IOGP Report 2021s) highlights safety’s critical role in our industry.

“We are delighted to publish a document which underpins the safety improvement efforts across our industry. This safety data publication provides a great resource to read and absorb in totality as we continue to raise the bar!” said Olav Skar, IOGP Safety Director.

Against the background of a 5% increase in work hours reported, the number of fatalities has increased from 14 in 2020 to 20 in 2021. The 20 fatalities occurred in 15 separate incidents.

The overall total recordable injury rate (TRIR) (fatalities, lost work day cases, restricted work day cases, and medical treatment cases) was 0.77, 10% higher than in 2020 (0.70).

And, the overall lost time injury rate (LTIR) (fatalities and lost work day cases) was 0.22, unchanged compared with 2020.

The participating IOGP Member Companies reported 580 lost work day cases (injuries resulting in at least one day off work).

  • 453 incidents were contractor-related
  • 127 incidents were company-related
  • 114 cases, 20% of the total, were categorized as ‘Slips and trips (at same height)’: 2020 results showed 99 cases, accounting for 18% of the total
  • ‘Struck by (not dropped object)’ accounted for 106 cases, 18% of the total (91 cases, 17% of the total in 2020)

IOGP has been collecting safety incident data from its Member Companies globally since 1985. The annual reports provide trend analysis, benchmarking, and the identification of areas and activities on which efforts should be focused to bring about the greatest improvements in performance. The IOGP incident reporting system covers worldwide E&P operations, both onshore and offshore, and includes incidents involving both Member Companies and their contractor employees.

An executive summary, providing a brief overview of the main trends observed in the 2021 data report, is also available.

The 2021 safety data, as well as the data from previous years, can also be accessed through IOGP’s dedicated data site, The data site also has IOGP’s process safety, land transportation safety, aviation safety, environmental performance, and health leading indicators data. The data site allows users to easily sort, compare, and analyse selected data over multiple years.

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