Energy TransitionNewsroom

How IOGP is delivering a low carbon future

We live in a world where billions of tons of greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere every year. Tackling climate change and achieving a low carbon future while meeting global energy demand is one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime. We all – the industry, governments, and society – have a responsibility to help achieve the Paris Agreement goals.

The most consistent and widespread message arising from our recent Strategic Review was the call to action from our Members for IOGP to tangibly accelerate our Low Carbon work program, which began in 2020.

While the precise structure of the new Energy Transition Directorate is still being fine-tuned, the low carbon prioritized opportunities that have been framed during the Strategic Review, and which are detailed below, will be within its remit.

“There is a need for a cultural shift across all activities within the oil and gas industry in order to consider the low carbon agenda in routine activities,” says Concetto Fischetti, IOGP’s recently appointed Energy Transition Director. “Achieving this culture shift will involve sharing experiences and raising awareness of existing resources and tools to formulate best practices.”

Our newest Directorate is tasked with coordinating these varied activities to deliver performance improvements within our Membership and the industry at large, under four prioritized delivery themes:

  1. Carbon Capture and Storage
    To enable readiness for widespread, efficient deployment of CCS, including capture, transportation, injection, and storage of carbon dioxide, through shared knowledge, expertise, and standards.
  2. Electrification
    To unlock potential economic electrification schemes which reduce greenhouse gas emissions for existing and greenfield onshore and offshore/floater oil and gas assets, through shared knowledge, expertise, and standards.
  3. Energy Efficiency
    To drive widespread implementation of energy efficiency/ optimization technologies and practices which reduce greenhouse gas emissions for existing and new offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities, through shared knowledge, expertise, and standards.
  4. Flares & Vents
    To drive widespread implementation of flaring and venting avoidance or abatement technologies and practices which reduce greenhouse gas emissions for existing and new offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities, through shared knowledge, expertise, and standards.

“IOGP is uniquely placed to drive collaboration across the industry, including via Standards Developing Organizations, to ensure we can learn and benefit from the knowledge of those at the forefront of these efforts,” said Iman Hill, IOGP Executive Director. “There is a need for urgency. We invite all Members to join this initiative and become part of the collaboration to achieve a low carbon future.”

There are many benefits for participants:

  • It provides opportunities to learn from other operators’ deployment experiences as well as collaborate with other sectors e.g. renewables, electrification
  • Be part of deep technical discussions and workshops with other leading oil and gas companies
  • Learn from sharing operational experiences with pioneering companies
  • Have early access to draft publications
  • Reduce GHG emissions
  • Improve ESG performance
  • Lower project costs and shorten project timelines
  • Reduce risks/uncertainties
  • Join the voice of the industry and be part of the solution
  • Opportunity to speed up rapid adoption/upscaling across industry
  • Contribute to an industry-led energy transition
  • Lead instead of follow

For more information, download the Low Carbon brochure, or contact Concetto Fischetti (Energy Transition Director, email: or Adri Postema (Engineering Director, email: to express your interest and get more details on the terms and conditions for participation.


Why IOGP? 8 key strengths and differentiators that will help IOGP to deliver a low carbon future

  1. Global voice of the upstream industry

IOGP speaks on behalf of a global membership with around 80 of the world’s leading publicly traded, private, and state-owned oil and gas companies, as well as industry associations and major upstream service companies representing nearly half of global oil and gas production.

IOGP aims to enhance the understanding of the contribution oil and gas make (to meet global energy demand and as feedstock for the industry) as well as the critical role the oil and gas industry plays in the energy transition to a low carbon future.

  1. Engineering Leadership Council

IOGP’s Engineering Leadership Council (ELC) brings together the heads of engineering from 12 major operator companies to lead and drive a collaborative engineering agenda across the industry. This is supported by the World Economic Forum’s Capital Value Complexity work stream. The ELC has an advisory position reporting to the IOGP Management Committee and meets at least three times per year.

  1. Engineering standardization experience

The IOGP Standards Committee promotes and enables the creation of a single set of international standards that can be recognized globally and used locally worldwide.

IOGP’s Joint Industry Programme 33: Standardizing Procurement Specifications, established in 2016, develops standardized specifications that enable the industry supply chain to become better, cheaper, and faster. More than 40 specifications have been published to date and are already delivering benefits for users worldwide and are making a step-change improvement in the specification, procurement, and delivery of equipment for the oil and gas industry.

  1. Liaisons with Standards Developing Organizations

IOGP liaises with key Standards Developing Organizations relevant to the upstream industry such as the International Organization for Standardization ISO (ISO/TC 67, ISO/ TC 147, ISO/TC 35), the European Committee for Standardization CEN (CEN/TC12), and the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC (IEC/TC 18, IEC/TC 65).

IOGP also has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the American Petroleum Institute (API) and an agreement to use API content in the development of new standards under the IOGP Standards Solution umbrella.

  1. Access to industry experts in full range of upstream disciplines

For over 47 years, IOGP has served the upstream industry as a unique forum to share know-how and good practices. We work with around 2000 experts from our Member Organizations in 11 committees covering a range of upstream disciplines including safety, health, environment, security, geomatics, metocean, well control, decommissioning, subsea and engineering standards, and advisory councils for communications and legal.

  1. Connect with supply chain and other strategic partnerships

Through JIP33, IOGP has established efficient working relationships with major Engineering Procurement Contractors (EPCs) and other supply chain partners to coordinate efforts to develop and continuously improve specifications. User experience is shared and discussed to improve sector-wide value generation from the program.

  1. Global and regional advocacy

We advocate on behalf of the industry engaging in a variety of global and regional bodies including UN agencies, the World Bank, the ISO, the International Regulators’ Forum, regional seas conventions such as OSPAR, Barcelona, and Abidjan, as well as the European Union and its policymakers.

  1. Annual GHG and Environment

Performance Indicator benchmarking IOGP has the largest industry database of safety and environmental performance data. Environmental performance data has been collected from IOGP Member Companies every year since 1999, including gaseous emissions (CO2, CH4, GHG, NMVOCs, SO2, NOx), energy consumption, and flaring. Data is collected on the basis of a set of definitions, aligned with IPIECA/API/IOGP oil and gas industry reporting guidance, with user guides reviewed and updated regularly. The data series is presented online at


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