
“Every single person can help”

Interview with Iman Hill, IOGP Executive Director

  1. In your view, what are the most urgent communications needs for the oil and gas industry?

There are a number of strands to this: Ours, is a highly complex, technical and technology led industry which isn’t easy to simplify for the general public. Historically we have been reticent with our communication style, we’re not an industry that shouts from the roof tops. However, there are so many myths, misconceptions and fake news about our industry today that we have to speak up and talk about the facts and truths. We have to educate. We are doing so much to produce and operate hydrocarbons with the smallest environmental footprint possible and mitigating the emissions in our own operations. We are key and integral to the energy transitions journeys to our world’s lower carbon future and we have to speak up!

  1. What’s your own role in this as Executive Director of IOGP?

I am proud of our industry and very happy to speak up, to educate, to engage in debate and to challenge. I am and will continue to take every reasonable opportunity to do so. Our collective role at IOGP is to equip our Members and our own employees with fact-based material and data to help them to set the record straight.

  1. How can others help amplifying the Associations’ messages?

Every single person within our industry can help. It’s not always in our comfort zone to, e.g.  post on LinkedIn or to challenge a debate that’s ongoing, but once you’ve started, it becomes satisfying to have your voice heard and to know that you’re doing your small part to counter the emotional, non-factual messaging.  Our own workforce are the most credible ambassadors and our member companies can do an awful lot just by simply engaging with the IOGP posts to amplify our voice.

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