Now Available: Ipieca-IOGP compendium of energy and GHG efficient technologies and practices
The most economical method of reducing GHG emissions is to reduce energy consumed. To raise awareness and uptake of energy efficient technologies and practices for use across the industry value chain, IOGP and Ipieca have published an updated compendium of 13 energy and GHG-efficient technologies and practices.
- Alternative thermodynamic cycles
- Combined-cycle gas turbines
- Combined heat and power
- Compressors
- Cooling systems
- Ejectors
- Energy-efficient design for carbon dioxide reduction
- Energy performance monitoring and optimization
- Fuel-fired furnaces and boilers
- Heat exchangers
- Open-cycle gas turbines
- Pinch analysis
- Pumps
The examples are based largely on existing documentation, and accompanying case studies are provided where possible. Whilst there are existing sources of information on upstream and downstream energy efficiency and GHG emissions reductions for the industry, these are not always easy to locate or freely available. This collection of documents provides a single central resource.
The remainder of the existing database of technologies and good practices will be updated throughout 2023.
The compendium is available from the Publications Library.