
Temporary onshore accommodation: what to consider and why

In heavy forest, jungle, swamps, desert, or arctic areas, the upstream oil and gas industry uses temporary onshore accommodation in all types of terrain around the globe.

It is used in seismic operations, drilling, pipeline and facilities construction and geological field studies and its scale and duration of use varies from a few people for a few days to hundreds or thousands of people for in excess of a year.

Its provision can generate significant issues in the areas of health, safety, security, social and environmental impact, yet there are no globally accepted published standards to cover the minimum requirements needed.

Now, IOGP has published two guidance documents that address the essential factors to consider when selecting temporary onshore accommodation facilities.

IOGP Report 541, Temporary onshore accommodation – Selecting the camp type provides guidance on structures such as trailers, portacabins, tents, caterpillar trains, floating accommodation, the temporary use of existing permanent structures (such as hotels) and camp site selection.

Checklists to assess the suitability of hotels and rented facilities are also included.

IOGP Report 542, Temporary onshore accommodation – Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services covers:

  • the design and layout of temporary camps including living areas, recreational areas and essential camp services
  • health, hygiene and welfare considerations
  • environmental and social impact considerations
  • selection, design, and installation considerations for essential camp facilities.

It also provides seven illustrated examples of trailer/portacabin stabilization requirements.

Download the reports from the IOGP website: IOGP Report 541 and IOGP Report 542.

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