
Managing fatigue: getting it right in Rio

Excessive human fatigue can have significant adverse outcomes for performance, health and well-being. In safety critical industries, fatigue can contribute to major incidents.

This can lead to significant costs to the industry resulting from injuries, accidents, lost working time and reputational damage that can be associated with environmental and other incidents.

With those considerations in mind, the joint OGP/IPIECA Health Committee has been running a series of  Fatigue Management Workshops.  Following sessions in  Johannesburg and Perth, a third workshop will take place in Rio De Janeiro on 11-12 November.   PETROBRAS will be the sponsor.

The Rio meeting  will help managers address the personnel risks from excessive fatigue. Two days of training will focus on three main issues:

  • how to assess the risks from fatigue
  • how the results of a fatigue risk assessment can be interpreted and used to make decisions about when fatigue risk management controls need to be implemented
  • how the effectiveness of different mitigation options can be taken into account in assessing the risks

Invited speakers include  oil and gas operating and service companies executives, regulators, fatigue consultants and modellers, as well as academics and representatives from other industries.

To register for the workshop or view further details visit

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