Upgrade of EPSG Dataset data model

Following the publication of the revised ISO 19111:2019 data model, IOGP is in the process of upgrading the EPSG online registry (https://epsg.org) and support web site (https://epsg.org).

Test repository: beta EPSG

A ‘beta’ repository for initial evaluation and testing is now available at https://beta.epsg.org/. The API interface is at https://beta-api.epsg.org/api/.

  • The new platform is expected to become the master EPSG registry in mid 2020. Prior to this the master EPSG Dataset remains at epsg-registry.org and all versions of the Dataset will be v9.8.x.
  • The data in the test repository includes some data changes caused by revision to the data model (see details below).
  • beta.epsg.org is a work in progress and subject to change without notification.

Registry switchover

On switchover of the master registry to the new platform, two releases of the EPSG Dataset will be made:

  • EPSG v9.9 in the existing registry and current data model at www.epsg-registry.org
  • EPSG v10.0 in the new registry and new data model at https://epsg.org. The new platform address will be epsg.org and will replace the current support site using this URL, as well as the evaluation site beta.epsg.org.  

Except for the data model changes, the data content of v9.9 and v10.0 will be similar.  Thereafter only data in the new platform will be updated. The v9.9 existing registry (www.epsg-registry.org) will continue to be run using the current log-in credentials until September 2020, when it will be withdrawn.

Currently the online registry (www.epsg-registry.org) and current support site (https://epsg.org) require separate log-ins. As part of the upgrade, the new EPSG platform will become a single site containing the new registry and support with one log-in. Users will need to register (or re-register) for this new platform. Registration through the beta.epsg.org will be automatically carried through to the new repository on switchover.

Data model changes

The changes to the data model being applied to the v10.0 EPSG Dataset (and Dataset available via the evaluation site beta.epsg.org) are:

  • Identification of dynamic datums and of CRSs based on these. For datums and CRSs affected by this change, there will be no changes to existing EPSG codes.
  • Addition of a new construct of ‘datum ensemble’. A datum ensemble groups together successive realizations of a datum as one. Some CRSs will be associated with a datum ensemble rather than a single datum. These will include the generic WGS 84 CRSs (EPSG CRS codes 4326 [geographic 2D], 4979 [geographic 3D] and 4978 [geocentric]). Existing EPSG codes will be unchanged.
  • Addition of a new CRS subtype ‘derived projected’. The term is from the ISO model and is consistent with other terms in the model, but is a misnomer. It is a CRS which is based upon an existing projected CRS, so ‘derived from projected’ would be a more accurate description. Many seismic bin grids are defined relative to a projected CRS – others are defined independently and later referenced to a projected CRS. Examples of both approaches will be included in the upgraded dataset.
  • Some CRS, datum or coordinate operation entities will be associated with multiple ‘usages’ – scope/extent (area) pairings.

Further details of the model changes may be found here.

For changes to relational tables with details listed by table, see here.

For updated epsg.xsd file (changes to GML schema), see here.

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