
Supporting the digital transformation journey – key milestones

IOGP’s Requirements Digitalisation Task Force (RDTF), an initiative to promote the digitalisation of technical requirements across the oil and gas supply chain, reached several key milestones throughout 2021, with the publication of a position paper, a guidance report and associated training materials.

The RDTF calls on those involved in the development or use of technical requirements to review the publications, consider their application within their own organisations and promote their existence with relevant stakeholders to help accelerate requirements digitalisation across the oil and gas industry.

Its Digitalisation of technical requirements position paper includes a summary of the current status of digital implementation of technical requirements applied in projects across the oil and gas industry. The paper includes a proposed vision of the near-term and longer-term future to guide further industry wide co-operation and development.

And, IOGP Report 604 Guidance on requirement development supports improvement in the quality and consistency of technical requirement writing, through the application of current good practice employed across the oil and gas industry. Technical requirements developed in accordance with these guidelines can be efficiently digitalised.

To complement the guidance materials, the Task Force also released a series of Requirements 101 style training videos. They provide practical examples of ways to improve competency in authoring clear and precise requirements.

“With the publication of these two documents and training videos, we hope to promote the development of unambiguous, actionable and verifiable requirements that are transferred across the supply chain and managed digitally throughout the project lifecycle” says Tom Shortall, Shell, who chairs the IOGP Requirements Digitalisation Task Force.

“Digitalisation of requirements is a necessary precursor to support digital transformation of the oil and gas industry. The RDTF expect that requirements digitalisation will improve project delivery by transparent communication across the supply chain of precise, value-adding requirements; reduced engineering effort in defining, managing and verifying requirements; and reduced commercial risk for supply chain participants as requirement quality improves.” He adds.

Looking forward to 2022, The RDTF is planning to revise IOGP Report 604, develop a recommended practice for data-centric requirements management and transfer, and develop and test a digital workflow proof-of-concept describing the integration of regulatory, industry, operator, contractor, and supplier requirements for the supply of goods and services.

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