Membership fees

IOGP Membership fees and options

IOGP has three Membership categories

Company Member

Any company or other corporate body incorporated in any part of the world and whether owned privately, publicly or by any state, government or other national institution and which (i) holds the right, whether individually or collectively, to explore and drill for crude oil or natural gas (petroleum) pursuant to a title to petroleum reserves or a licence, permit, lease, risk contract, production sharing or other agreement with the owner of such petroleum reserves, or the person or body having the right to extract such petroleum, and (ii) is involved in operations for the exploration and drilling for, or the production, treatment, storage or transportation (other than by tankers) of such petroleum (herein called ‘a Company Member’);

Associate Member

Any company or other corporate body incorporated in any part of the world and whether owned privately, publicly or by any state, government or other national institution which, in connection with exploration and drilling, for, or the production, treatment, storage or transportation (other than by tankers) of, crude oil or natural gas is involved in operations under the direction of, or provides oil or gas field, technology, or digital services to a company or other corporate body which is qualified to be a Company Member (herein called ‘an Associate Member’).


Any association (whether incorporated or unincorporated and whether regional, national, or international) of two or more companies or other corporate bodies which are qualified to be Company Members or Associate Members, and which is directly concerned with hydrocarbon exploration or production in the energy industry (herein called ‘an Association’)

Company Members

Members1 are allocated to a Group according to the regions in which they have an interest in operations and the level of company gross BOE global hydrocarbon production.

The IOGP operating regions are:
1 Americas, 2 Asia Pacific, 3 Europe, and 4 Middle East & Africa

The Production Tiers are:

TierCompany Gross BOE Global Production
1including and above 1.5 million boe/d
2including and above 0.5 million boe/d
3including and above 0.1 million boe/d
4below 0.1 million boe/d

Groups are assigned according to the number of operating regions and production tier:

IOGP Fee GroupsRegion 1Region 2Region 3Region 4
Production Tier 1Group BGroup AGroup AGroup A
Production Tier 2Group CGroup BGroup BGroup B
Production Tier 3Group DGroup CGroup CGroup B
Production Tier 4Group DGroup DGroup CGroup C

1 For types of Membership please refer to the IOGP Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Membership Fees

2024-2025 Base Fee

The Global Base Fee for 2025, payable by all IOGP Members, is £30,000 (Sterling).

2024-2025 Global Multiplier

The Global Base Fee is then subject to the 2025 Global Multiplier, according to Group.

Group2024 Global Multiplier

Associate Members

Associate Members are in Group C, regardless of global operating regions, and subject to the Group C multiplier.
In addition, a 0.5 multiplier is applied in recognition of Associate Members’ non-voting status.

Association Members

Association Members are in Group D, and subject to a 0.5 multiplier for the Global Membership fee and a Group D (1) multiplier for the European Service fee.

European Service Fee

The European Service Fee, payable by Members declaring an interest in Europe, is: €55,500 p.a. to cover the cost of running the Brussels office and its associated activity3. The European Service Fee is subject to the 2025 European Multiplier according to company Group.

2024-2025 European Multiplier

Group2024 European Multiplier


  1. Company Member operating in all 4 regions (including Europe), with 4.3 million boe/d production
    £30,000 p.a. x 10 (Group A) = £300,000 p.a.
    plus European Service Fee of €55,550 p.a. x 4 (Group A) = €222,200 p.a.
  2. Company Member operating in 2 regions (excluding Europe), with 1.2 million boe/d production.
    £30,000 p.a. x 6 (Group B) = £180,000 p.a. with no European Service Fee
  3. Associate Member operating globally (including Europe).
    £30,000 p.a. x 3 (Group C) x 0.5 = £45,000 p.a.
    plus European Service Fee of €55,550 p.a. x 2 (Group C) x 0.5 (Associate multiplier) = €55,550 p.a.

3 Sterling & Euro amounts to be paid into separate accounts.
4 For all queries relating to Membership Fees, please contact

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